STANKO KLISKA (1896. – 1969.) arhitekt bolnice u Sušaku


  • Eduard Pavlović
  • Ivan Pavlović


Aim: This paper is to show that the hospital in Sušak, R ijeka has been built on mod- ern principles of hospital building during, even th ough it is seventy-odd years old. Material and methods: The paper relies on published texts and illustratio ns about the hospital in Su{ak and about its architect Stanko Kl iska. Results: Designing the hospital, architect Stanko Kliska foc used on the needs of the patient He has built it using simple materials, see king to meet all requirements imposed by function and the surroundings. The hospital in S u{ak has a three-storey building with a cellar and a roof terrace. The hospital is about one hundred metres long and is divid- ed in two aisles. Its front faces south-west. Pati ent rooms look to the south. Other accessory and operating rooms look to the north. Th e hospital has three wide stairways; one runs in the middle and other on the sides of th e building central hall. Conclusion: There is no doubt that the hospital in Su{ak, Rijek a is a product of mod- ern architectural design. Since 1934, with its impr essive vista, it has been regarded as a rehabilation center rather than any of the conte mporary hospitals of the turn of the 21 st century




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