Acta medico-historica Adriatica : AMHA <p>AMHA – Acta medico-historica Adriatica objavljuje izvorne znanstvene članke, prethodna<br />priopćenja, pregledne radove, prikaze knjiga, prikaze skupova i komentare<br />pisane britanskim engleskim (iznimno američkim u dogovoru s gl. ur.) ili jezicima jadranskih<br />i srednjoeuropskih naroda. Teme priloga moraju težiti unapređivanju znanja u području<br />povijesti medicine i drugih srodnih znanstvenih disciplina, kao i kulturnog naslijeđa jadranske<br />i srednjoeuropske regije u najširem smislu. Uz to dobro došli su i radovi iz ostalih krajeva.<br />Zaprimljene članke razmatrat će najmanje dvoje neovisnih recenzenata koje odredi Urednički<br />odbor.</p> <p>AMHA - Acta medico-historica Adriatica publishes original scientific papers, preliminary<br />communication, review articles, book reviews, overviews of conferences,<br />and other contributions, commentaries written in British English (exceptionally in<br />American English if so agreed with the editor in chief) and in the languages of the Adriatic<br />and Central European nations. The contributions must aim at advancing the knowledge of the<br />history of medicine and other related scientific disciplines, as well as of the cultural heritage of<br />the Adriatic and Central Europe in its broadest sense. Contributions from other regions are<br />also welcome. Each submission will be evaluated by at least two independent referees appointed<br />by the Editorial Board.</p> en-US (Robert Doričić, Executive Editor) (Ivana Tutić Grokša, Managing Editor) Mon, 15 Jul 2024 16:06:48 +0200 OJS 60 Robert Doričić, Smrt na sjevernom Mediteranu na pragu trećeg milenija: obilježja mortaliteta na bakarskom i malološinjskom području <p>Prikaz knjige / Book review</p> Bruno Atalić Copyright (c) 2024 Acta medico-historica Adriatica : AMHA Mon, 15 Jul 2024 00:00:00 +0200 Stephanie Glax de Staedler (1876–1952) pioneer painter promoting the Opatija spa resort <p>Book review / Prikaz knjige</p> Zvonka Zupanič Slavec Copyright (c) 2024 Acta medico-historica Adriatica : AMHA Mon, 15 Jul 2024 00:00:00 +0200 TRAGOM KARLOVAČKOG LJEKARNIŠTVA: KRONOLOGIJA PRVE LJEKARNE K CRNOM ORLU <p><a href=""> </a></p> <p> </p> <p>Ljekarna K crnom orlu u Karlovcu osnovana je 1726. kao šesta vojna ljekarna u Hrvatskoj koja neprekidno radi sve do danas. U ovom je radu, oslanjajući se na dostupnu literaturu, arhivske izvore i podatke iz onodobnih glasila, prvi put prikazana cjelokupna rekonstrukcija povijesnoga kontinuiteta i slijeda vlasništva najstarije karlovačke ljekarne. Navedeni su svi ljekarnici koji su ostavili trag u radu ljekarne, a izdvojene su biografije onih ljekarnika koji su imali poseban značaj u karlovačkom ljekarništvu i društvenom životu onoga vremena. Predstavljena su nova i originalna saznanja i ispravljeni netočni podaci koji se provlače kroz literaturu. Povijesno istraživanje ljekarne K crnom orlu vrijedno je ne samo u kontekstu zaštite hrvatske ljekarničke baštine već i kao prostor iznimnoga povijesnog i kulturnog značenja.</p> Domagoj Bosiljevac, Suzana Inić Copyright (c) 2024 Acta medico-historica Adriatica : AMHA Mon, 15 Jul 2024 00:00:00 +0200 PRECURSIVE ACTIVITIES OF LVIV DOCTORS IN THE DEVELOPMENT OF THERAPEUTIC GYMNASTICS, ORTHOPEDICS, AND REHABILITATION IN GALICIA FROM 1847 TO 1918 <p><a href=""></a></p> <p> </p> <p>The article presents the little-known pioneering activity of doctors working in Lviv, the capital of the Galicia province in the Austrian Monarchy, for the development of therapeutic gymnastics and orthopedics from 1847 to 1918. Analysis of source materials from archives, medical magazines, and daily newspapers shows that therapeutic gymnastics was introduced for the treatment of locomotor diseases in Lviv at the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries. <br />Initially, it was based on the German method and then replaced by the Swedish method. At the same time, orthopedics emerged from surgery, with its origins related to the habilitation of Dr Antoni Gabryszewski at the University of Lviv. The main role in this process belonged to Lviv doctors, graduates of universities in Krakow, Lviv, Prague, and Vienna. They conducted scientific research at the Medical Faculty of the University of Lviv and made numerous trips to renowned centers in other provinces of Austria, as well as in Germany, Sweden, and Switzerland. Due to their scientific work, as well as the knowledge and experience gained from foreign scientific visits, they founded and managed facilities where they applied orthopedics, healing gymnastics, mechanotherapy, physical therapy, massage, and orthopedic equipment. Most facilities were comparable in functionality to renowned foreign centers. The pioneering activities of Lviv doctors contributed to the development of orthopedics and healing gymnastics in other Galician cities and influenced the establishment of spas throughout the province. In later years, this activity furthered the establishment of orthopedics, comprehensive rehabilitation, and spa therapy in Poland and Ukraine.</p> Sławomir Jandziś, Mariusz Migała Copyright (c) 2024 Acta medico-historica Adriatica : AMHA Mon, 15 Jul 2024 00:00:00 +0200 OBRAZOVANJE I STRUKTURA POMOĆNOG ZDRAVSTVENOG OSOBLJA U OPĆOJ BOLNICI KARLOVAC OD KRAJA DRUGOG SVJETSKOG RATA DO 60- IH GODINA <p><a href=""></a></p> <p> </p> <p>Organizirano i formalizirano obrazovanje medicinskih sestara u Hrvatskoj započinje 1921. osnivanjem Škole za sestre pomoćnice u Zagrebu. Od osnutka prvih zdravstvenih ustanova u Karlovca do kraja Drugoga svjetskog rata iznimno je malo obrazovanog osoblja za njegu bolesnika. Taj su posao obavljale priučene osobe i redovnice koje su pohađale bolničarske škole organizirane u sklopu bolnica kojima su upravljale ili su imale diplomu Škole za sestre pomoćnice u Zagrebu. Nakon Drugoga svjetskog rata mnoge su redovnice bile prisiljene napustiti službu, što je u velikoj mjeri pridonijelo osipanju školovanog osoblja kojega je ionako bilo premalo. Opća bolnica u Karlovcu nastali će problem rješavati otvaranjem škola za dječje njegovateljice, bolničare, higijeničare i zubne asistente, koji će sve do otvaranja Škole za medicinske sestre u Karlovcu 1960. činiti većinu osoblja koje je pružalo izravnu skrb bolesnicima. Cilj je ovog rada dati pregled obrazovanja pomoćnog osoblja i strukturu zaposlenika koji su bili izravni pružatelji skrbi, uz osvrt na uvjete rada u Općoj bolnici Karlovac od kraja Drugoga svjetskog rata do 60-ih godina 20. stoljeća. Prikazani su pronađeni programi školovanja za dječje njegovateljice i bolničare te navedene osobe koje su te programe provodile.</p> Snježana Mirilović, Sandra Franković Copyright (c) 2024 Acta medico-historica Adriatica : AMHA Mon, 15 Jul 2024 00:00:00 +0200 MEDICINAL PROPERTIES OF BEER <p><a href=""></a></p> <p> </p> <p>Ale and beer brewing and drinking have apparently been part of the human experience since the dawn of civilization. Beer is one of the most consumed alcoholic beverages around the world. It is rich in nutrients such as carbohydrates, amino acids, minerals, vitamins, and other compounds. Historically, ale and beer have served as sources of potent nutrient food and have also been used for their medicinal properties. It was believed that the process of fermentation changes simple ingredients such as grain and water into sacred produce, and the introduction of medicinal plants enhances its properties. The earliest records show that in Sumer, beer was used for medicinal purposes as early as 2000 BCE. In the early Middle Ages, ales became popular among the Celts, Germans, and Scandinavians, who were great ale drinkers. Ales were brewed without hops; instead, a specific herb or a combination of herbs called gruit was used for flavouring. Ale and beer were thought to have both magical and medicinal powers, and were often prescribed for medicinal purposes. The introduction of hops revolutionized the brewing and beer trade. Hops improved the quality of beer and gave beer greater durability and protection against bacteria. The aim of the paper is to present the history of ale and beer used for their medicinal properties.</p> Andrzej K. Kuropatnicki Copyright (c) 2024 Acta medico-historica Adriatica : AMHA Mon, 15 Jul 2024 00:00:00 +0200 ALTERNATIVE THERAPEUTIC APPROACHES FOR PARALYTIC ILEUS IN PERSIAN MEDICINE <p><a href=""></a></p> <p> </p> <p>Paralytic ileus is a prevalent medical condition following surgery, exerting a significant financial impact on the healthcare system. Despite its considerable implications, there has been limited progress in advancing both diagnostic and curative approaches to address ileus. This study seeks to introduce alternative diagnostic methodologies rooted in Persian medicine (PM) for paralytic ileus. Our investigation involved a thorough review of literature, including The Canon of Medicine, and an exploration of various PM texts for relevant references. The findings were systematically compared with contemporary medical documentation. According to Persian medicine, paralytic ileus is classified as a type of ‘Gholanj’ disease. Persian medicine physicians extensively documented this disease, presenting detailed insights. While some aspects of PM viewpoints and the etiology of intestinal obstruction were humoral-theory-based, a majority of his definitions align with current medical concepts. Additionally, Persian medicine physicians proposed numerous therapeutic approaches for managing ileus, such as the Hoghne method, rectal suppositories, topical application of medicines, sitz baths, and the use of laxatives. Gaining a deeper understanding of the pathophysiology and exploring alternative treatment options outlined in Persian medicine can prove valuable for future studies aimed at enhancing the management of paralytic ileus. </p> Shamim Shahrestani, Samaneh Soleymani, Ebrahim Khadem, Shaghayegh Shahrestani, Zahra Niktabe, Fereshteh Ghorat Copyright (c) 2024 Acta medico-historica Adriatica : AMHA Mon, 15 Jul 2024 00:00:00 +0200 PUBLIC HEALTH AND MEDICAL CARE CONDITIONS DURING THE GREEK INDEPENDENCE WAR (1821) <p><a href=""></a></p> <p> </p> <p>Τhe 1821 Greek War of Independence, following 400 years under Turkish occupation, resulted, after long-term sacrifices, in the establishment of Greece as a sovereign nation-state, marking the first in the autocratic Europe of the time. The poor public health and the lack of doctors, medical supplies, safe water, food, and sewage favored the outbreak of epidemics. The Greek cause attracted worldwide support, and a great number of philhellenes, physicians, and aristocrats offered services and even their lives on the battlefields. Greek and foreign historians stress the international importance of the Greek Revolution for the activation of the term nation into a social force for democracy and the right to public and individual health and welfare all around the world.</p> Antonia Kotsiou Copyright (c) 2024 Acta medico-historica Adriatica : AMHA Mon, 15 Jul 2024 00:00:00 +0200 NASTAVA ANATOMIJE NA MEDICINSKOM FAKULTETU U RIJECI <p><a href=""></a></p> <p> </p> <p>Anatomija je živa i translatorna disciplina koja integrira istraživanje i edukaciju. Tijekom stoljeća poznavanje anatomije postajalo je sve važnije za medicinske znanosti, posebno za kirurgiju. Za široko i detaljno poznavanje anatomije čovjeka disekcija kadavera nezamjenjiva je metoda jer jedino ona omogućava sigurnu i učinkovitu kliničku praksu. Podučavanje anatomije razvijalo se, kako je vrijeme prolazilo, od naslijeđenih učenja iz prošlosti prema modernoj anatomiji. Znanstveni napredak i promjene u društvu uveli su u nastavu anatomije digitalne alate. Nove metode i digitalne tehnologije daju svoj doprinos obrazovanju budućih liječnika, ali se nikako ne bi trebalo odustati od prakticiranja disekcije kao osnovne metode u podučavanju i učenju anatomije jer je kadaver najbliže pravom pacijentu o kojem će se brinuti budući liječnici. Ovaj rad govori o tome kako se anatomija poučavala na Zavodu za anatomiju Medicinskog fakulteta u Rijeci od osnutka do danas.</p> Marina Nikolić, Luka Delak, Juraj Arbanas, Tanja Ćelić Črnac Copyright (c) 2024 Acta medico-historica Adriatica : AMHA Mon, 15 Jul 2024 00:00:00 +0200