Consistency of Quality Management in Slovenian Organizations


  • Vinko Bogataj Independent researcher, Slovenia
  • Gordana Žurga Faculty of Organisation Studies in Novo mesto, Slovenia


quality management system, QMS, consistency, business results, Slovenia


Background: Having efficient quality management system (QMS) is vital for improving organization’s business. In that context, good knowledge of QMS characteristics and their interrelations with organizational business results is very important. Objectives: Purpose of the study is to explore characteristics of elements of QMS consistency in Slovene organizations that have implemented and maintained QMS, and how the QMS characteristics influence business results. Methods/Approach: Data was collected through web survey of quality managers in organizations that have certified QMS according to ISO 9001:2008. For respondent organizations, data on their business results was retrieved from official sources. Special programme for comparisons and results presentation based on contingency analysis was developed, and correlation between QMS consistency elements and financial results of organizations were statistically processed. Results: The results show that for Slovenian organizations with certified QMS, correlations between QMS consistency elements and organizational business results are confirmed. For the majority of consistency elements correlations are significant, and the elements where correlations are insignificant are also exposed. Conclusions: As quality management will gradually become integral part of holistic organizational management, QMS will influence not only organizational management system and processes’ management but also directly on business results.

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Economic and Business Systems Research Articles