Croatian Review of Economic, Business and Social Statistics <p><strong>e-ISSN <a href="">2459-5616</a></strong><br /><strong> ISSN <a href="">1849-8531</a></strong></p> <p> <a href=""></a> </p> <p> Publisher:<br /><strong> Croatian Statistical Association</strong><br /> Trg J. F. Kennedyja 6<br /> 10000 Zagreb, Croatia</p> <p> e-mail:</p> <p> Published semiannualy since 2015</p> en-US (Josip Arnerić) (Josip Arnerić) Fri, 28 Jun 2024 00:00:00 +0200 OJS 60 Uloga kvalitete institucija i financijske pismenosti u prihvaćanju kriptovaluta <p>Ovaj rad istražuje utjecaj institucija na prihvaćenost kriptovaluta u zemlji s obzirom na razinu financijske pismenosti stanovništva zemlje. Rezultati istraživanja su pokazali da u zemljama s manjom financijskom pismenošću institucije imaju veći utjecaj na trgovinu s kriptovalutama. Kontrola korupcije, stabilnost vlade, socioekonomski uvjeti, demokracija i kvaliteta birokracije imaju negativan utjecaj, dok zakon i red, involviranost vojske u politiku i sukobi imaju pozitivan utjecaj. S druge strane, kod zemalja s većom financijskom pismenošću utjecaj institucija je manje izražen i uglavnom je negativan. Rast cijene Bitcoina motivira stanovništvo da se uključi u trgovinu kriptovalutama bez obzira na financijsku pismenost. Nadalje, kod država s većom financijskom pismenošću rast prometa na tržištu kapitala potiče dionike da uključe i kriptovalute u svoj portfelj, dok je kod zemalja s manjom financijskom pismenošću ta veza negativna. Ovi rezultati su dodatno potvrđeni i analizom zemalja s obzirom na financijsku inkluziju, koja se u literaturi često povezuje s financijskom pismenošću.</p> Blanka Škrabić Perić, Ana Rimac Smiljanić, Ivana Mravak Copyright (c) 2024 retained by the author(s) Fri, 28 Jun 2024 00:00:00 +0200 The direct and indirect effects of financial influencer credibility on investment intention <p>In this study, the effect of financial influencer credibility on risky investment intention was researched. It was also evaluated whether confidence had a mediating role in this effect. In this context, data was collected from a total of 1000 participants between April and June 2023, based on convenience sampling and volunteering. The scale for financial influencer credibility, the independent variable, was developed within the scope of this study. In this regard, both exploratory and confirmatory factor analyzes were conducted on the collected data, and then the research model was tested using CB-SEM. Acording to the findings, the direct effect of financial influencer credibility on risky investment intention was found to be positive and statistically significant. In addition, according to the mediation analysis, it was determined that confidence has a mediating role in the effect of financial influencer credibility on risky investment intention, and there is partial mediation. As a result, with this study, the concept of influencer was discussed financially for the first time and its impact on investor decisions was revealed.</p> Hatice Nayman Hamamcı, Selim Aren Copyright (c) 2024 retained by the author(s) Fri, 28 Jun 2024 00:00:00 +0200 A comparison of multilevel ordinal regression models in the analysis of police force ratings <p>In the literature several methods have been developed to model ordinal data while considering their natural ordering. However, this study sought to compare two possible link functions for the multilevel ordinal regression using males' ratings of the police forces in Uganda as an outcome variable. Variables were obtained from the UNGBS database (Uganda National Governance Baseline Survey). The highest proportion of males rated the police as good (40.9%) followed by fair (24.96%), poor (19.1%), and lastly very good (15.1%). The multilevel ordered logistic regression model with both individual and contextual variables had the lowest AIC compared to other models, fitting the data best. All the likelihood ratio test results indicated that there was significant variation in males' ratings of the police forces across districts. Hence, males from the same district were significantly more similar compared to males from another districts. Researchers using data collected by applying multi-stage sampling or any form of nesting should consider multilevel or mixed-effects models.</p> Douglas Andabati Candia, Patrick Guge Oloo Weke, Moses Mwangi Manene, George Muhua Copyright (c) 2024 retained by the author(s) Fri, 28 Jun 2024 00:00:00 +0200 Performance analysis of the Croatian video game industry: Expansion amidst the COVID-19 pandemic <p>The Croatian video game industry demonstrated substantial growth amid the challenges posed by the COVID-19 pandemic. A descriptive statistics approach was utilized, encompassing all enterprises in the Croatian video game industry. Statistical tests for proportions significance were then applied to assess player satisfaction on the Steam platform with video games developed and/or published by the Croatian video game industry. The analysis indicated a concentration of the industry in Zagreb, accounting for 50% of enterprises and 77.4% of employees in 2022. Over the period from 2018 to 2022, total net profit surged from €4.95 million to €12.37 million. However, the average net profit per enterprise experienced a modest increase from €0.12 million to €0.15 million during the same period. Notably, 21% of enterprises maintained the highest AAA rating. County-level comparisons revealed insights into net profit, total revenue, and expenses. On Steam plaform, players recommended remarkable 89% of video games developed or published by the Croatian industry.</p> Berislav Žmuk Copyright (c) 2024 retained by the author(s) Fri, 28 Jun 2024 00:00:00 +0200 Unlocking educational paths: Influential factors of Bosnia and Herzegovina’s students performance <p>This paper explores the influence of socio-economic status on the education performance of male and female students in Bosnia and Herzegovina, utilizing data from the 2018 Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA). The study defines key terms such as education, socio-economic status, and international student assessments, emphasizing the significance of a quality educational system for societal development. By employing three models for science literacy, mathematics, and reading, the results indicate that parents' education and possession of cultural goods significantly impact student achievements. Students with higher-educated parents and who possess more books at home perform better in PISA tests. The gender variable however is found not to be statistically significant. The study emphasizes the significance of a "quiet study space", suggesting that students with such an environment achieve higher science test scores. While causality is not established, the analysis provides insights into the initial impact of socio-economic status on student achievements. The paper advocates for continued participation in international assessments project like PISA to monitor educational achievements and inform evidence-based policy making. The findings underscore practical implications for educational policymakers, and recommendations to enhance Bosnia and Herzegovina's educational system.</p> Hatidža Jahić, Nejra Hadžiahmetović-Milišić, Taida Čingić Copyright (c) 2024 retained by the author(s) Fri, 28 Jun 2024 00:00:00 +0200