Some preliminary results of an oceanographic experiment in the region of Velebit Channel, Senj Gate and Kvarnerić – March 1986

(in Croatian)


  • Ante Smirčić Hidrografski institut JRM, Split, Jugoslavija
  • Zoran Vučak Hidrografski institut JRM, Split, Jugoslavija
  • Zvonko Gržetić Hidrografski institut JRM, Split, Jugoslavija
  • Nenad Leder Hidrografski institut JRM, Split, Jugoslavija
  • Marijan Ferenčak Hidrografski institut JRM, Split, Jugoslavija
  • Miroslav Gačić Institut za oceanografiju i ribarstvo, Split, Jugoslavija


In order to study the fetch dependence of wind wave energy, intensive oceanographic measurements have been undertaken in the coastal area of Senj during the period March/April 1986. This area is characterized by strongest NE wind (bora) in the Adriatic Sea. Three wave rider buoys were deployed at different position along the line normal to the coast. The distance between the two buoys was 7 M. The wind speed and direction were recorded at two positions in the area. At the same time, current measurements as well as several hydrographical surveys were also undertaken. The data collected during the experiment are analyzed and some preliminary results of the analysis are presented.


