Weibull distribution of bora and sirocco winds in the northern Adriatic Sea


  • Maja Jeromel Marine Biology Station, National Institute of Biology, Piran, Slovenia
  • Vlado Malačić Marine Biology Station, National Institute of Biology, Piran, Slovenia
  • Jože Rakovec University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, Chair of Meteorology, Ljubljana


wind, wind rose, Weibull distribution, northern Adriatic Sea, potential temperature


 Wind data measured at three off-shore stations in the northern part of the Adriatic Sea were considered: the Coastal oceanographic station Piran buoy (COSP), the PALOMA tower (the Gulf of Trieste) and the A. ALTA platform (Venice). Annual wind roses for all stations and additional seasonal wind roses for COSP are presented. The Weibull distribution function was applied to wind speed frequency distribution for winds from all directions and separately for bora and sirocco winds. Wind speed frequency distributions for bora winds measured at COSP and PALOMA are bimodal. One peak of this distribution of speeds belongs to nocturnal land breezes and another to bora winds. The peak separation method based on the difference in potential temperature of the atmospheric boundary layer (ABL) between two land stations (Udine and Zagreb) enabled the successful separation of the peaks of bora and land breeze winds. The frequency distribution of the wind speeds changed to the usual unimodal distribution when only those episodes were considered in which the potential temperature of ABL above Udine is higher than that above Zagreb.






Original scientific paper