G e o f i z i k a 2025-01-31T09:51:04+01:00 Ivica Vilibić Open Journal Systems <p><strong>Journal Summary</strong></p> <ul> <li><em>Geofizika</em> is an diamond open-access (CC-BY-NC 4.0 license), peer-reviewed international journal</li> <li><em>Geofizika </em>issues contributions dealing with topics concerning physics of the atmosphere, the sea and the Earth's interior</li> <li>The journal is published by the Andrija Mohorovičić Geophysical Institute (Department of Geophysics, Faculty of Science, University of Zagreb, Croatia)</li> <li> <p>JCR (WoS) - Journal Impact Factor (2023) = <strong>0.9 ; </strong>JIF quartile = <strong>Q4</strong> (Geochemistry &amp; Geophysics) </p> </li> </ul> <p><strong>Editor-in-Chief </strong>: Ivica Vilibić (Ruđer Bošković Institute, Division for Marine and Environmental Research, Zagreb, Croatia; Institute for Adriatic Crops and Karst Reclamation, Split, Croatia)</p> Reviewers Vol. 41 2025-01-31T09:48:02+01:00 Editor-in-Chief <p>Reviewers list (Vol. 41)</p> 2025-01-31T00:00:00+01:00 Copyright (c) 2025 Geofizika Journal In memoriam: Dragutin Skoko, F.C.A. (24 July 1930 – 6 September 2024) 2025-01-03T10:43:03+01:00 Marijan Herak <p>In memoriam: Dragutin Skoko, F.C.A. (24 July 1930 – 6 September 2024)</p> 2025-01-31T00:00:00+01:00 Copyright (c) 2025 Geofizika Journal Croatian catalogue and database of focal mechanism solutions, characteristic mechanisms, and stress field properties in the Dinarides and the surrounding regions 2024-10-18T14:52:17+02:00 Marijan Herak <p>This report presents the CroFMS catalogue and database of focal mechanism solutions (FMS). It is based on the first-motion polarity data for earthquakes in Croatia and the neighbouring regions, collected over last four decades. The current catalogue version contains FMS for 410 earthquakes that were computed consistently, using the same programs, velocity models, and sets of parameters. Its content is described in terms of distributions of the time and origin of polarity picks, magnitudes, epicentral distances of stations, the quality marks, the phases used, azimuthal gap and distance to the closest station. It was also shown that solutions from the CroFMS catalogue and those independently obtained from the moment tensor inversions are generally consistent.</p> <p>Comparison of observed FMS with the latest European model of active fault sources (EFSM20) revealed several inconsistencies, most notably in the Zagreb and Petrinja epicentral areas, the greater Rijeka region, the Central Adriatic archipelago, and in the zone of surface traces of the thrust fronts of the East-Bosnian–Durmitor and Drina–Ivanjica nappes in Bosnia and Herzegovina.</p> <p>Spatial averaging of FMS over the whole study area produced maps of characteristic focal mechanisms, which may be found useful in the seismic hazard assessment in the areas where active faults are not identified or characterised.</p> <p>A formal stress inversion of the focal mechanism solutions produced a map of maximum horizontal stress orientations across the study area, revealing localized lateral variations that had not been identified in previous studies.</p> <p><strong>Electronic supplement</strong>:</p> <p>Three FMS catalogues in the form of Excel-files are available for free download:</p> <ol> <li>The CroFMS catalogue ­– file: <strong>CroFMS_2024.xlsx</strong></li> <li>The catalogue of characteristic focal mechanisms based on first-motion polarity solutions only – file:<strong> Characteristic_FMP_2024.xlsx</strong></li> <li>The catalogue of characteristic focal mechanisms based on the first-motion polarity solutions and the best double-couple solutions by the moment inversion – file: <strong>Characteristic_FMP_MTI_2024.xlsx</strong></li> </ol> <p>The first row is the header: <strong>N</strong> – <em>Serial number of FMS</em>; <strong>Year</strong>;<strong> Month</strong>;<strong> Day</strong>;<strong> Hour</strong>;<strong> Minute</strong>;<strong> Second</strong>;<strong> Lat.</strong> – <em>latitude °N</em>; <strong>Lon.</strong> – <em>longitude °E</em>: <strong>Depth</strong> – <em>in km</em>; <strong>M</strong>­ – <em>magnitude M<sub>L</sub></em>; <strong>NP1str</strong> – <em>strike of nodal plane 1</em>; <strong>NP1dip</strong> – <em>dip of nodal plane 1</em>; <strong>NP1rake</strong> – <em>rake of nodal plane 1</em>; <strong>NP2str</strong> – <em>strike of nodal plane 2</em>; <strong>NP2dip</strong> – <em>dip of nodal plane 2</em>; <strong>NP2rake</strong> – <em>rake of nodal plane 2</em>; <strong>Pst</strong> – <em>strike of the P-axes</em>; <strong>Pdip</strong> – <em>dip (plunge) of the P-axes</em>; <strong>Tst</strong> – <em>strike of the T-axes</em>; <strong>Tdip</strong> – <em>dip (plunge) of the T-axes</em>; <strong>Qual</strong> – <em>Quality of solution (1–5)</em>.</p> <p><em> </em>None of the two nodal planes is the preferred one. The catalogues are up to date until 30 June 2024.</p> <p> </p> <p> </p> 2025-01-31T00:00:00+01:00 Copyright (c) 2025 G e o f i z i k a Spatial variation of the source mechanisms in the Egyptian continental margin 2024-07-10T10:11:54+02:00 Iman F. Abu El Nader Asem Salama Mohamed N. El-Gabry Hesham M. Hussein Mona Abdelazim <p>The spatial variability of the focal mechanism solutions in the NW Egypt Cyrenaica and Levant-north Egypt domains of the Egyptian Continental margin is investigated based on the polarity of the P-wave first motions of eleven earthquakes with local magnitudes ML ranging from 4.2 to 6.2. The identified focal mechanism solutions in the Levant-north Egypt domain are evaluated in two sub-provinces with different geological settings. The first sub-province shows strike-slip faulting mechanisms with right-lateral motion along the NE-trending Rosetta-Qattara fault zone, while the NW-trending Temsah fault zone produces left-lateral strike-slip motion. The inland extension of the Rosetta-Qattara fault zone towards the Western Desert reflects the same sense of motion. Strike-slip faulting with thrust components dominates the focal mechanisms in the second sub-province but with a different stress orientation. A single thrust faulting mechanism event which occurred on the periphery of the continental shelf shows the same common orientation of the stress field at the Hellenic Arc. This type of mechanism in this locality can be explained by the mean of compressional stress transfer towards the coast generated by the accelerated southwest retreat of the Hellenic Trench. The complex regional stress along the Cyprian and Hellenic arcs, the current local structure features, and the dominant orientation of the pre-existing fault are the factors that contribute to the changeable stress pattern field in the Levant-north Egypt domain. A single event in the second domain, the NW Egypt Cyrenaica, is a strike-slip with a right-lateral sense of motion on a WNW-oriented plane, consistent with motion along the WNW tectonic fault which separates the continental shelf from the oceanic crust.</p> 2025-01-31T00:00:00+01:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Geofizika Journal Utilizing Remote Sensing for Monitoring Land Cover Changes and Land Surface Temperature Fluctuations 2024-12-23T10:49:35+01:00 Ketsana Phommavong Jianguo Yan <p>Land cover change detection supports many kinds of environmental and human development initiatives in both developed and developing countries over the past twenty-three years, Laos has experienced massive changes in land use resulting in corresponding increases in surface temperature. These changes have been little studied or evaluated empirically. To address this gap, this research study focused on tracking land cover change detection (LCCD) and Land surface temperature (LST) change in the study area of Thakhet Laos. Landsat 5, 8, and Modis datasets were used to analyze the relationship between land use and LST from 2000 to 2023. According to the LCCD results, the forest area decreased from 46,912 km² in 2000 to 33,955 km² in 2023, likely due to human activities and urban transition, while bare land increased and agricultural land decreased. In 2000 the LST values in the study area varied widely. The lowest recorded value is 24°C while the highest is 33°C. In 2023, the LST values ranged from 20°C to 41°C, this indicates an increase in temperatures compared to the previous years overall. The observed increase in urban areas, such as population movement, economic development, industrialization, and urban job creation could be a factor driving the LCCD and LST change.</p> 2025-01-31T00:00:00+01:00 Copyright (c) 2025 G e o f i z i k a