soil tillage, inorganic nitrogen, management systems
During the period of 1991-1993 in the field experiment, the effect of different soil management (tillage 0,24
m and tillage 0,12-0,15 m) in ecological and integration management system on changes of inorganic nitrogen
(Nan = N-NH4
+ + N-NO3
-) content in the soil layer from 0 up to 0,6 m of the soil depth (0,00-0,30 m and 0,30-
0,60 m) were studied. Trials were held in a warm climatic zone of the South – Western Slovakia on the
brown soil. Different soil management systems (tillage 0,24 m and tillage 0,12-0,15 m) considerably did not
affected ammonification and nitrification processes in the soil. The sustainability of minimalization via
shallow ploughing is not excluded, on the contrary this minimalization may have high a positive influence on
economic saving the energy, labour costs, etc. The quantitative and qualitative changes of studied form of N
were significantly effected by weather and soil depth. Soil content of N-NH4
+ and N-NO3
- was in negative
correlation with soil depth.