There were observed milk production parameters in 5506 daughters of 37 Czech Pied cattle sires in our study. Sires were genotyped for markers CSN3 and ETH10. The aim was to fi nd relation between genetic markers CSN3, ETH10 and observed milk performance parameters. The relation between CSN3 genotype and milk production parameters was found to be signifi cant. The effect of CSN3 genotype AA on milk, protein and fat yield and effect of genotype BB on protein and fat percentage was proved. Frequency of allele B and genotype BB in Czech Pied cattle was similar to other Simmental breeds and was also higher than allele frequencies found in Holsteins. These fi ndings also conform with fi ndings in other studies and after verifi cation on larger populations using granddaughter design population structure can be used in breeding programme of Czech Pied cattle. Signifi cant relation was also found
between microsatellite marker ETH10 and milk fat content. Further study is needed to prove this fi nding in larger populations of sires and their grandsires with higher genetic variability of their breeding values before considering to implement markers into breeding process.
This research was supported by projects MSM 122200002, MSM 432100001, NAZV QD 0176 and NAZV QF 3020.