Temperature Dependence of Dynamic Viscosity and DSC Analysis of the Plantohyd samples
DSC analysis, dynamic viscosity, PlantohydAbstract
The present work deals with physical properties – dynamic viscosity and DSCanalysis of biodegradable hydraulic fluids and lubricating oils based on vegetable oilsor on synthetic esters – PLANTOHYD S series (15S, 46S) and PLANTOHYD Nseries (40N). The brief characterization of investigated material is presented.This article presents the experimental results of measuring the main rheologicalcharacteristic – dynamic viscosity of samples of Plantohyd. Measurements weremade under laboratory conditions with digital viscometer DV-3P Anton Paar.Examination of the dynamic viscosity in the temperature interval from -10 °C to 50 °Cwas made. The exponential dependency of viscosity on the temperature for the eachsample was obtained in accordance with Arrhenius equation. DSC (DifferentialScanning Calorimetry) analysis providing information on thermal effects in thesample subjected to the temperature programme was realised in the temperaturerange from -30 °C to 100 °C by using differential scanning calorimeter DSC 822eMETTLER TOLEDO. It was determined endo/exo thermal effects and temperatureinterval with no thermal effects for each sample of Plantohyd.Downloads