In order to ensure optimum trace element supply via cereals, the uptake of selenium from a selenate containing NPK fertilizer (20:8:8, with 20 mg/kg selenate Se) was tested. A series of fi eld and pot experiments were run on a cambisol, a clay soil, a calcareous phaeozem, and a chernozem within the physiologically feasible range in 3 subsequent years. Selenate addition led to a signifi cant increase in all kinds of cereals investigated, and the memory in subsequent years was poor. The transfer of added selenium to the grains ranged between 0,7 and 4,7% in the fi eld conditions, and between 1,6 and 5,4 % from the pots. In the grains, selenium was specifi ed mainly as seleno-methionine. The selenium addition did not affect the contents of the other essential trace elements. Uptake from pot and fi eld experiments was different.