Olympic and Paralympic Games Rio 2016: A technical-tactical analysis of judo matches
The purpose of this study is to compare the athletes’ scores, penalties and efficiency between of the Olympic and Paralympic Games Rio 2016, and identify which variable determines the winner of the matches. A total of 608 matches in the Olympic and Paralympic Games were analysed. Total relative scores (ippon, wazari and yuko), penalties (shido per match) and efficiency were identified in the categories male and female, Olympic and Paralympic Games, and medallists and non-medallists. The main results showed that the wazari was higher in the Olympic Games (p = 0.05) than in the Paralympic Games (male team); the ippon was higher in the Paralympic Games (p = 0.05) and the shido was higher in the Olympic Games (p = 0.05) (female team). The male Olympic medallists were more efficient (p = 0.01), while the female Paralympic medallists were less punished (p = 0.01). The ippon was the key variable that determined winning in both Olympic and Paralympic matches (p < 0.001). We concluded that male Olympic athletes showed greater efficiency and scores than Paralympians, while the female team presented more scores and fewer penalties. The ippon was the key point that determined victory in most of the matches.
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