Towards a New Historical Geography: the possibilities of GIS-aided historical statistics and fine-scale, longue durée and supranational comparisons in Croatian history*




hGIS, databases, longue durée, historical geography, quantitative analysis, regional inequalities in Croatia, 14-19th c.


In the last decade a number of serial sources were processed by several research groups separately for the Medieval, Ottoman and Early Modern periods in Hungary. However,  the structure of these allow them both to be integrated to each other and be visualized on maps with the aid of GIS-techniques. The character of these integrated databases thus allow researchers (1) to map and investigate territorial patterns, regional inequalities of different scale, (2) the temporal changes in territorial patterns and (3) to run multivariate statistics on bulk data. The success of the GISta Hungarorum in Hungary (, ) drove the different research groups to unify their forces and create a longue-durée, fine-resolution (settlement or parish-level) database for the Kingdom of Hungary (1330-2010)  in order to analyze history from a different perspective and to help regional planning by assessing path dependency, drawing optimal landuse, etc. Furthermore, broadening the cooperation the investigation area was extended to Croatia for several time horizons to be processed in the future with the aid of Croatian colleagues involved in Hungarian projects (1330, 1500, Ottoman period, 1780s). This article of methodological focus introduces the first results of the joint work on Croatian examples – with the aim of giving a new perspective in historical geography and historical statistics.




How to Cite

Demeter, G., Mujadžević, D., F. Romhányi, B., Fóti, M., Hegyi, K. ., Katušić, M., & Sz. Simon, Éva. (2024). Towards a New Historical Geography: the possibilities of GIS-aided historical statistics and fine-scale, longue durée and supranational comparisons in Croatian history*. Review of Croatian History, 20(1), 141–178.