- Status u Hrčku: aktivan
ISSN 0352-342X (Tisak)
ISSN 1848-6355 (Online) -
UDK: 34(05)
- Kontakt:
Udruga Pravnik
Trg Republike Hrvatske 3
10 000 Zagreb - Email: urednistvo.pravnik@gmail.com
- URL: https://udrugapravnik.hr/?page_id=24
- Izdavač:
- Upute za autore
- Upute recenzentima
- Impressum
Najstariji stručni časopis studenata prava u Hrvatskoj pokrenut 1967. godine. Sadržaj časopisa čine znanstveni i stručni radovi studenata, profesora i ostalih stručnjaka. Glavna urednica: Nikolina Đaković. Više informacija o časopisu pronaći ćete na https://udrugapravnik.hr/?page_id=24. Časopis možete potražiti u Knjižnici pravnog fakulteta (odjel za časopise, Trg Republike Hrvatske 3) te Nacionalnoj sveučilišnoj knjižnici u Zagrebu. The law and society review “Pravnik“ has been continuously published and has upheld a high quality standard for over five decades, remaining present and well-liked by the student body, young jurists and other professionals in the legal field. Its long tradition of publishing quality content has kept it in high regards of the legal expert milieu. Despite the fact that the core of each issue is comprised of student papers and analyses, a part of the publication is also reserved for new publications in the legal field, faculty events, and other topics of interest. A special section is dedicated to interviews and features on important legal figures. A part is also dedicated to the topics of the reform of the curriculum and improving student rights. The primary goal of the Review has remained the same throughout its existence, and that is to encourage quality work among students and young legal experts alike. The Review itself has so far had over 28 editors-in-chief, over 300 published authors, and more than 400 published papers. It is published annually in approximately 200 copies, and it can be obtained free of charge. The Review is published in the Croatian language, and all papers have a summary in either English or German. A list of current topics will be available online soon. Editor-in-chief: Nikolina Đaković Publisher: Udruga Pravnik Trg Republike Hrvatske 3 10000 Zagreb With any further inquiries, comments or suggestions please contact us at urednistvo.pravnik@gmail.com
- Recenzija: vanjske recenzije, pretežito tuzemna, samo znanstveni i stručni radovi, dvostruko slijepa, dvostruka
- Prva godina izlaženja: 1.
- Učestalost izlaženja: 1
- Područja pokrivanja: Pravo, Društvene znanosti
- Uključen u Hrčak: 09.02.2007.
- Prava korištenja: Sva prava pridržana; ni jedan dio se ne smije objaviti bez pismenog odobrenja izdavača.