Reviewing process


The pre-reviewing process is initiated by the science editor and consists in considering of appropriateness of the submission to aims and scopes of the journal as well as to the technical and linguistic standards. The first step of the pre-reviewing process is the plagiarism check performed by the executive editor for similarity checking using the iThenticate software. The similarity checking report is forwarded to authors.


Manuscripts which pass the pre-peer-reviewing examination will undergo complete international scientific review process. The science editor will assure the most competent reviewers available at the moment. At least two peers will be involved in the reviewing process of scientific papers.

The science editors organize the reviewing process and inform the Editorial board and the authors about the status and progress of the reviewing process.


The reviewing process is normally double blinded. The executive editor will remove author’s identities from the manuscript where necessary prior the sending the manuscript to the appointed reviewer.

Well written and presented professional papers can be subjected to only one review by a highly competent expert in the field.

The reviewers’ form can be downloaded from here.


The outcomes of the reviewing process

-not accepted, declined articles

-accepted articles with major changes – additional checking needed by the Editorial and by the reviewers after revision

-accepted articles with minor changes – revision and final formatting for publishing required

-accepted articles –final formatting for publishing required by the authors



Results of the reviewing process are treated as private and are not available to any person or institution outside the Editorial board.

The identity of reviewers are not communicated with authors.

A list of reviewers contributing to the process is published at the end of the year.


Declined articles

There are no special obstacles for resubmitting of formerly non-accepted articles after substantial improvements. In that case authors are requested to summarize the changes which could qualify their paper for reconsideration.


Accepted articles

Authors of accepted papers are kindly requested to perform a most serious final formatting in the journals’ template and necessary language corrections.

The journal’s template is downloadable from in MS Word doc format from here.

The final form of the manuscript will also be seriously checked by the Editorial board prior publishing.



Accepted and technically ready articles will be immediately published in OnLineFirst mode in the next issue of the journal.

The articles are published in digital format and became available on

Authors are kindly asked to check again the published article on Internet and report problems or confirm appropriateness of the published paper.

Minor corrections in text are possible under OnLineFirst status of the publication.