About the Journal

The West Croatian History Journal publishes contributions from all historical fields and periods, but it also strives for a multidisciplinary approach to the research of historical, social, and cultural topics from Central and Southeastern Europe, as well as the Mediterranean. The JWest Croatian History Journal publishes original scientific articles, review papers, preliminary reports, and reviews and reports.


Promotion of the New Issue of the West Croatian History Journal


On May 7, 2024, in the premises of the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences in Rijeka, as part of the Faculty Week, the new issue of the West Croatian History Journal was presented to all interested colleagues. The issue was promoted by Assistant Professor Andrea Roknić Bežanić, Ph.D., the Editor-in-Chief, Professor Vjeran Pavlaković, Ph.D., a member of the Editorial Board, and Assistant Professor Ivan Jeličić, Ph.D., a member of the International Editorial Board. In addition to the promoters, the Vice Dean Associate Professor Dubravka Božić Bogović, Ph.D., participated on behalf of the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences.

The promoted issue is actually a double issue for the years 2022 and 2023, and it includes the following papers:

  • Bruno Šagi, Stjepan Radić and the Annexation of Bosnia and Herzegovina in 1908
  • Bruno Vignjević, Layers of Memory: On the Controversies of Anti-Fascist Commemorations in Brezovica and Srb (2014-2020)
  • Adrijan Štivić, Liberalism in Croatia During Democratic Changes with an Emphasis on the Area of Istria and Kvarner
  • Valentina Kezić, A Brief Overview of the History of Volunteering in Croatia

In addition to the mentioned papers, the issue also includes two reviews and one news item:

  • Josip Lučić, Bernardin Frankapan Modruški. Oratio pro Croatia: Speech for Croatia 500th Anniversary. Study, transcription, and translation prepared by: Ivan Jurković and Violeta Moretti. Zagreb: Školska knjiga – University of Juraj Dobrila in Pula – Chair of the Chakavian Parliament of Modruš, 2022, 208 pages. ISBN 978-953-0-62319-4
  • Matea Plišić, Andrea Roknić Bežanić, Rijeka Student Years. 1968-1971, Rijeka, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences in Rijeka, University of Rijeka, 2021, 287 pages.
  • Lovro Kralj, Katarina Damčević, Emil Kjerte, Opening of the Center for Holocaust and Genocide Research in Southeast Europe

We thank everyone who responded to the invitation to the promotion and look forward to future cooperation!

The Editorial Board

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Current Issue

Vol. 18 No. 1 (2023): Časopis za povijest Zapadne Hrvatske
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