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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The submission has not been previously published or considered for publication elsewhere nor submitted to another journal while under review for CREBSS
  • The corresponding author is in charge for submission process who receives all notifications and decisions by e-mail
  • All references are cited in the text and where applicable URLs or DOI links for the references are provided
  • Submitted blinded manuscript presents a scientific paper which can be categorized as: original paper, preliminary communication or review paper
  • Paper is written in English or Croatian and professionally proofreaded (preferably by a native speaker)
  • Authors retain copyright and grant the publishing rights to the Croatian Statistical Association under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0).

Author Guidelines

Initial submission requires a blinded manuscript (without author names, affiliations and addresses) as a single PDF file prepared in Word or LaTex in English or Croatian. Prepared manuscript, in either of the two languages, should follow customary academic writing structure:


Title of the paper should be concise, informative and straightforward (up to 15 words)

Summary should illustrate the content of the paper with clear objectives, methodology, findings and contribution (between 150 and 200 words)

Keywords (up to 5 lowercase keywords ordered alphabetically and separated by comma)

JEL classification codes (available here)

Body of the manuscript should have between 4500 and 6000 words (without summary, keywords and reference list). The structure of the manuscript should follow, but not limited to IMRAD sections: Introduction, Methods, Results and Discussion. Additional sections are welcome such as: Literature review (theoretical background) and Conclusion.

It is strongly recommended to comprehensively elaborate scientific contribution of the paper. It should be understandable what is new (what makes current spaper distinctive from existing studies with similar subject of research) and to whom results of the paper are valuable. Additionally, methodology should be appropriately used with argumentation of its applicability or superiority against other approaches.

References in APA style should be listed in alphabetical order by the author's last name. Number of references is limited to 35. All references should be cited in the text using Harvard citation (author, year)



Naslov rada treba biti koncizan, informativan i izravan (do 15 riječi)

Sažetak treba ilustrirati sadržaj rada s jasnim ciljevima, metodologijom, rezultatima i doprinosom (između 150 i 200 riječi)

Ključne riječi (do 5 ključnih riječi malim slovima poredanih abecednim redom i odvojenih zarezom)

JEL klasifikacijski kodovi (dostupni ovdje)

Tijelo rukopisa treba imati između 4500 i 6000 riječi (bez sažetka, ključnih riječi i popisa literature). Struktura rukopisa treba slijediti, ali ne ograničavajući se na IMRAD odjeljke: uvod, metode, rezultati i rasprava. Dodatni odjeljci su dobrodošli kao što su: pregled literature (teorijska pozadina) i zaključak.

Strogo se preporuča sveobuhvatno elaborirati znanstveni doprinosa rada. Treba biti razumljivo što je novo (po čemu se trenutni rad razlikuje od postojećih studija sa sličnim predmetom istraživanja) i kome su rezultati istraživanja relevantni. Dodatno, metodologiju treba prikladno koristiti uz argumentaciju njezine primjenjivosti ili superiornosti u odnosu na druge pristupe.

Literatura u APA stilu treba biti navedena abecednim redoslijedom prema prezimenu prvog autora. Broj referenci ograničen je na 35. Sve reference moraju biti citirane u tekstu s harvardskim citatnicama (autor, godina).


                                 IMPORTANT NOTES

  • Article can be classified as (i) original scientific paper, (ii) review paper or (iii) preliminary communication, depending on reviewers suggestions
  • All references are validated through the CrossRef and registered DOI numbers. For published papers without DOI number and internet sources an URL address should be given along with accessed date.
  • Before reference list any acknowledgement and/or attribution should be given if applicable
  • If paper is accepted for publication in English, after the references the article must contain the title, summary and keywords in Croatian (this part is not mandatory when submitting initial blinded manuscript)
  • Initially submitted manuscript is blindly reviewed by two independent reviewers and checked for plagiarism via Turnitin to detect instances of overlapping and similarity
  • After the reviewing process and similarity checking, if the paper is accepted, the corresponding author will be kindly asked to submit a final version of the manuscript edited in LaTeX.
  • If you are not familiar with LaTeX it is recommended to prepare the final version of the paper in Word, while copyeditors of CREBSS journal may provide you this service as well as translation of the title, summary and keywords at the end of the paper into Croatian



                             VAŽNE BILJEŠKE

  • Članak se može klasificirati kao (i) izvorni znanstveni rad, (ii) pregledni rad ili (iii) prethodno priopćenje, ovisno o prijedlozima recenzenta
  • Sve reference validiraju se kroz CrossRef bazu i registrirane DOI brojeve. Za objavljene radove bez DOI broja i internetske izvore potrebno je navesti URL adresu veze i datum pristupa.
  • Prije popisa referenci treba istaknuti priznanje i/ili atribuciju ako je primjenjivo
  • Ako je rad prihvaćen za objavljivanje na hrvatskom jeziku, nakon literature članak mora sadržavati naslov, sažetak i ključne riječi na engleskom jeziku (ovaj dio nije obavezan pri inicijalnom podnošenju anonimnog rukopisa)
  • Inicijalno podnesen anonimni rukopis recenziraju dva neovisna recenzenta i provjerava se izvornost rada putem Turnitina kako bi se otkrili slučajevi preklapanja i sličnosti
  • Nakon postupka recenziranja i provjere izvornosti, ako je rad prihvaćen, dopisni će autor biti zamoljen da dostavi konačnu verziju rukopisa uređenog u LaTeX-u.
  • Ukoliko niste upoznati s LaTeX-om, preporuča se da konačnu verziju rada pripremite u Wordu, dok vam urednici časopisa CREBSS mogu pružiti ovu uslugu kao i prijevod naslova, sažetka i ključnih riječi na kraju rada na engleskom jeziku




The initial blinded manuscript can be prepared using the same given template without changing arbitrary names and surnames of authors, affiliations, etc.“

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The names and e-mail addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.