About the Journal

Focus and Scope

Croatian Operational Research Review (CRORR) is the journal which publishes original scientific papers from the area of operational research. The purpose is to publish papers from various aspects of operational research (OR) with the aim of presenting scientific ideas that will contribute both to theoretical development and practical application of OR. The scope of the journal covers the following subject areas: linear and non-linear programming, integer programing, combinatorial and discrete optimization, multi-objective programming, stohastic models and optimization, scheduling, macroeconomics, economic theory, game theory, statistics and econometrics, marketing and data analysis, information and decision support systems, banking, finance, insurance, environment, energy, health, neural networks and fuzzy systems, control theory, simulation, practical OR and applications.

The audience includes both researchers and practitioners from the area of operations research, applied mathematics, statistics, econometrics, intelligent methods, simulation, and other areas included in the above list of topics.
The journal has an international board of editors, consisting of more than 30 editors – university professors from Croatia, Slovenia, USA, Italy, Germany, Austria and other coutries.

Peer Review Process

Every manuscript is peer reviewed, according to the following procedures.

1. Initial manuscript evaluation
The Editors first evaluate all manuscripts. In many cases, the Editors will return a paper promptly to its author(s) at this stage because it clearly does not match the journal's stated interests or level of quality. Submissions that meet the minimum criteria are normally passed on to at least 2 experts for review. In rare cases, however, an exceptionally strong manuscript might be accepted after the initial reading.

2. Type of peer review
The Croatian Operational Research Review employs double-blind reviewing, in which the reviewer is unknown to the author, and the identity of the author is unknown to the reviewer.

3. Reviewers' report
Referees advise the Editors. The Editors' decision to accept or to reject a manuscript will be sent promptly to the author, with suitably detailed explanations. The paper could be accepted as is, accepted with minor revisions, revised and resubmitted or rejected.

4. The Editors' decision
The Editors are responsible for the final decision to accept or to reject a given manuscript, and there the process ends.


Publication Frequency

Journal papers with be published collectively, as part of an issue with its own Table of Contents.

Open Access Policy

This journal provides immediate open access to its content on the principle that making research freely available to the public supports a greater global exchange of knowledge.

Sources of Support

The journal is financially supported by its publisher (Croatian Operational Research Society) and co-publishers (academic institutions from Croatia: Faculty of Economics in Osijek, School of Applied Mathematics and Informatics in Osijek, Faculty of Economics, Business and Tourism in Split, Faculty of Economics and Business in Zagreb and Faculty of Organization and Informatics in Varaždin).

Journal History

The first issue of the CRORR journal was published in 2010 by the Croatian Operational Research Society. The journal evolved from the Proceedings of the International Conference on Operational Research which published selected papers from the KOI conference since 1992.

From 2008 to 2013 one volume per year of the journal was published containing selected papers form the KOI 2010 and KOI 2012 conferences. Starting from Volume 5, Number 1 (2014), the journal is being published twice a year, containing regular issues out of KOI conference. Also starting from 2014, the co-publishers of the journal are: University of Osijek, Faculty of Economics; University of Osijek, Department of Mathematics; University of Split, Faculty of Economics, Business and Tourism and University of Zagreb, Faculty of Economics and Business. From 2021 Faculty of Organization and Informatics, University of Zagreb is a new co-publisher of Croatian Operational Research Review.