Entrepreneurial intention modeling using hierarchical multiple regression


  • Marina Jeger Faculty of Economics in Osijek
  • Zoran Sušanj Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Rijeka
  • Josipa Mijoč Faculty of Economics in Osijek, University of Osijek


The goal of this study is to identify the contribution of effectuation dimensions to the predictive power of the entrepreneurial intention model over and above that which can be accounted for by other predictors selected and confirmed in previous studies. As is often the case in social and behavioral studies, some variables are likely to be highly correlated with each other. Therefore, the relative amount of variance in the criterion variable explained by each of the predictors depends on several factors such as the order of variable entry and sample specifics. The results show the modest predictive power of two dimensions of effectuation prior to the introduction of the theory of planned behavior elements. The article highlights the main advantages of applying hierarchical regression in social sciences as well as in the specific context of entrepreneurial intention formation, and addresses some of the potential pitfalls that this type of analysis entails.






CRORR Journal Regular Issue