An interactive approach to the stochastic multiobjective allocation problem


  • Maciej Nowak University of Economics in Katowice
  • Tadeusz Trzaskalik University of Economics in Katowice


The paper considers the stochastic multiobjective allocation problem. An assumption is made that a particular resource should be allocated to T projects. The specified level of each goal (along with the known probabilities) can be obtained based on the amount of the resources allocated. We will propose an identification strategy procedure that the decision maker can implement. Our technique combines multiobjective dynamic programming and an interactive approach. First, efficient strategies are identified using Bellman's principle applied to the multiobjective problem. Next, a dialog procedure is used to find a solution that is satisfactory for the decision maker. A numerical example is presented to show how the procedure can be applied.

Author Biographies

Maciej Nowak, University of Economics in Katowice

Department of Operations Research

Tadeusz Trzaskalik, University of Economics in Katowice

Department of Operations Research






CRORR Journal Regular Issue