Calculation of ecological land-footprint - based on the input-output model and focusing on the imported commodities


  • Imre Dobos Department of Economics, Budapest University of Technology and Economics, H-1111 Budapest, Műegyetem rkp. 3., Hungary
  • Brigitta Tóth-Bozó Department of Economics, Budapest University of Technology and Economics, H-1111 Budapest, Műegyetem rkp. 3., Hungary


The ecological footprint has been a crucial ecological indicator for more than two decades, and the methodology for calculating it has developed significantly over the years. However, some issues and shortcomings still need to be addressed and specified further. This paper focuses on the embedded land requirements of imported commodities in input-output modelling approaches. We propose a refined model to overcome the shortcomings of two former models. Our model quantifies the embedded ecological land-footprint of imported commodities and their allocation between direct final consumption and production. In addition, we allocate the latter again among final consumption and exports using the framework of linear algebra and matrix arithmetic. We also propose ways of extending the model to overcome the general but misleading assumption in the literature that imported commodities have an equal per unit ecological
footprint to domestic products, an approach that is based on the idea that trading partners have the same technological background.






CRORR Journal Regular Issue