Can confidence indicators forecast the probability of expansion in Croatia?


  • Mirjana Čizmešija Faculty of Economics and Business Zagreb
  • Nataša Erjavec FacultY of Economics and Business Zagreb


The aim of this paper is to investigate how reliable are the Confidence Indicators in forecasting the probability of expansion. The nonlinear probit model is employed to map changes in predictor variables into the expansion forecasts. We consider three Croatian Business Survey indicators: Industrial Confidence The aim of this paper is to investigate how reliable are confidence indicators in forecasting the probability of expansion. We consider three Croatian Business Survey indicators: the Industrial Confidence Indicator (ICI), the Construction Confidence Indicator (BCI) and the Retail Trade Confidence Indicator (RTCI). The quarterly data, used in the research, covered the periods from 1999/Q1 to 2014/Q1. Empirical analysis consists of two parts. The non-parametric Bry-Boschan algorithm is used for distinguishing periods of expansion from the period of recession in the Croatian economy. Then, various nonlinear probit models were estimated. The models differ with respect to the regressors (confidence indicators) and the time lags. The positive signs of estimated parameters suggest that the probability of expansion increases with an increase in Confidence Indicators. Based on the obtained results, the conclusion is that ICI is the most powerful predictor of the probability of expansion in Croatia.






CRORR Journal Regular Issue