Testing the Ability of ChatGPT to Categorise Urgent and Non-Urgent Patient Conditions: Who ya gonna call?


  • Dorian Fildor University of Zagreb, Faculty of Economics and Business, Croatia
  • Mirjana Pejić Bach University of Zagreb, Faculty of Economics and Business, Croatia https://orcid.org/0000-0003-3899-6707




artificial intelligence, healthcare, triage, patient conditions, urgency categorization, digitaliziation, automation, medical decision-making, Chatgpt, gpt-based language models, healthcare optimization, triage optimization


This research explores the feasibility of utilising ChatGPT to categorise patient conditions as urgent and non-urgent. The primary objective is to assess the ChatGPT model's capacity to aid in the automation and digitalisation of healthcare processes, thereby alleviating the workload on healthcare professionals. The study employed a unique approach by presenting patient cases to the GPT and categorising the conditions based on urgency. In collaboration with an experienced hospital doctor, a set of questions was prepared and presented to a medical expert, along with the GPT model. Subsequently, the medical expert was consulted to assign urgency modalities for the same cases. The generated categorisations and the expert-assigned modalities were compared to evaluate the model's accuracy. The outcomes of this research have significant implications for healthcare management. Implementing AI to support triage processes and decisions could streamline patient care, ensuring appropriate and timely treatment allocation. By delegating specific tasks to AI, healthcare employees could focus on providing direct medical attention, leading to enhanced efficiency and improved patient outcomes. However, the results indicate that there is still uncertainty in using ChatGPT to provide medical advice. Ultimately, this study contributes to the broader exploration of AI's potential in healthcare decision-making, promoting the integration of advanced technologies to optimise medical services and enhance patient experiences.

Author Biographies

Dorian Fildor, University of Zagreb, Faculty of Economics and Business, Croatia

Dorian Fildor is a master's degree student who works as a project manager for AI implementation and operations manager in a company that organises scientific conferences worldwide. Dorian is deeply passionate about the integration of Artificial Intelligence in various industries. Dorian continues pursuing his academic and professional endeavours, aiming to create a positive impact in AI and beyond. The author can be contacted at dfildor@net.efzg.hr

Mirjana Pejić Bach, University of Zagreb, Faculty of Economics and Business, Croatia

Mirjana Pejić Bach is a full professor at the Department of Informatics, Faculty of Economics in Zagreb. She holds a PhD in system dynamics modelling from the Faculty of Economics, University of Zagreb. Mirjana is the leader and collaborator of numerous projects in which she cooperates with Croatian companies and international organisations, mainly through European Union projects and the bilateral research framework. Her research areas are the strategic application of information technology in business, data science, simulation modelling, research methodology, qualitative and quantitative, especially multivariate statistics and modelling structural equations. The author can be contacted at mpejic@net.efzg.hr



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How to Cite

Fildor, D., & Pejić Bach, M. (2024). Testing the Ability of ChatGPT to Categorise Urgent and Non-Urgent Patient Conditions: Who ya gonna call?. ENTRENOVA - ENTerprise REsearch InNOVAtion, 9(1), 101–112. https://doi.org/10.54820/entrenova-2023-0010


