Exploring the Link between Empathy and Assertive Communication in Healthcare Settings


  • Marko Antić University North
  • Ana Globočnik Žunac University North
  • Maja Križanec Cvitković University North




empathy, assertiveness, communication, healthcare


When it comes to the communication of healthcare professionals, the concept of competence in this area cannot be considered a complete concept if it does not include communication that is based on empathy and is not applied using assertiveness. It can be said that empathy and assertiveness are indispensable links in the interpersonal communication of healthcare professionals, whether it is communication directed towards patients or the organizational aspect of communication. Therefore, the goal of this research was to determine whether there is a connection between empathy and assertiveness in the communication of healthcare professionals. In this paper, a systematic review of literature was conducted, as part of which the Web of Science and Scopus databases were examined, and the key words according to which the databases were searched were empathy, assertiveness, and communication. The results of a systematic literature review showed that this is a relatively unexplored area in the recent period. This paper also represents a scientific basis for research of connection between empathy and assertiveness in the communication of healthcare professionals in Croatia.

Author Biographies

Marko Antić, University North

Marko Antić holds a bachelor’s and master’s degree in nursing and now he is a PhD student in the field of media and communication at University North, Croatia. His main research interests are related to communication in the healthcare system. Author can be contacted at marantic@unin.hr

Ana Globočnik Žunac, University North

Ana Globočnik Žunac has PhD in Information Communication Science at the Faculty of Philosophy, University of Zagreb. Employed as an associate professor at University North, Department of Business and Management, her research focus is organizational communication and interpersonal relationships within business processes. She teaches business communication and human resource management subjects and is a scientific associate in the interdisciplinary field of economics and information communication sciences. She has worked on international academic cooperation development and is a member of international scientific editorials. She received several awards and a prize for developing communicational sciences. The author can be contacted at ana.globocnik.zunac@unin.hr

Maja Križanec Cvitković, University North





How to Cite

Antić, M., Globočnik Žunac, A., & Križanec Cvitković, M. (2025). Exploring the Link between Empathy and Assertive Communication in Healthcare Settings. ENTRENOVA - ENTerprise REsearch InNOVAtion, 10(1), 44–52. https://doi.org/10.54820/entrenova-2024-0005


