Healthy Aging and Physical Activity: The Qualitative Research


  • Sandra Penger University of Ljubljana, School of Economics and Business
  • Barbara Grah University of Ljubljana, School of Economics and Business



healthy aging, physical activity, seniors, health and wellness management, body-mind-spirit framework


Population aging is a global trend encouraging countries and their governments to introduce different policies related to the increasing number of older adults. Also, on the individual level, people can contribute to healthy aging by performing regular physical activity. Physical activity improves next-day job performance and health. Additionally, a recent study from Harvard Business Review found that even a short time of physical activity (20 minutes per day) was sufficient to benefit employees' next-day performance and health. The goal of this study is to deepen the knowledge of healthy aging, specifically, related to senior adult health and wellness management. To study the phenomena, we employed qualitative research by integrating the coaching perspective through the expert opinion of Gregor Sobočan, Master of Sport International Class and head coach of professional athletes in the Slovenian national sports team at the national level, and senior participants, athletes in the Kettlebells Center sports club in Ljubljana, Slovenia. Namely, we collected their opinions and performed the content analysis. The research outlined that regular physical activity and active and healthy aging are vital for human health, in line with the integrative body-mind-spirit framework.

Author Biographies

Sandra Penger, University of Ljubljana, School of Economics and Business

Sandra Penger, Ph.D., is a Full Professor of management and organization at the Academic Unit for management and organization at the University of Ljubljana, School of Economics and Business in Slovenia, with more than 25 years of working experience in higher education, research, and consulting. She received her Ph.D. degree in 2006. Her research interests focus on leadership, authentic leadership, positive psychology, employee motivation, and advanced management concepts in the era of complexity. She has published over 100 original scientific papers/scientific conference contributions/scientific monographs/reviewed university books, and participated in national and international projects. The author can be contacted at

Barbara Grah, University of Ljubljana, School of Economics and Business

Barbara Grah, Ph.D., is an assistant professor of management and organization at the School of Economics and Business, University of Ljubljana. Barbara teaches the Foundations of management and organization, Foundations of management, Learning and knowledge management, Advanced management, Business Excellence Management, and Internships courses. Barbara obtained her Ph.D. in 2016, and her research interests are organization design, leadership, learning organization as well as age management, and sustainability. She has published numerous original scientific papers/conference contributions/monographs and reviewed university textbooks, and participated in national and international projects. The author can be contacted at




How to Cite

Penger, S., & Grah, B. (2025). Healthy Aging and Physical Activity: The Qualitative Research. ENTRENOVA - ENTerprise REsearch InNOVAtion, 10(1), 126–139.



Health, Education, and Welfare