IMU-Based Exoskeleton Control: Torso Movements and AI


  • Marius Leonard Olar University of Petrosani
  • Monica Leba University of Petrosani
  • Andreea Cristina Ionică University of Petrosani
  • Victor Triohin University of Petrosani



Exoskeleton, IMU sensors, Torso movement, Neural network, Control system, Movement prediction, Assistive technology


This study introduces a new control system for an upper limb exoskeleton, leveraging Inertial Measurement Unit (IMU) sensors placed on the user's trunk. The system employs two distinct control methodologies to enhance the exoskeleton's responsiveness and accuracy in assisting arm movements. The first method utilizes the torso's motion, integrating IMU data to calculate the arm's movement limits synchronously with the torso, ensuring the exoskeleton's movements are in harmony with the user's natural motion patterns. The second method adopts a more advanced approach, employing a neural network to predict the user's intended arm movement based on the torso's dynamics. This predictive model allows for a more intuitive interaction between the user and the exoskeleton, potentially improving the efficiency and satisfaction in its use. By comparing these methods, the paper aims to evaluate their effectiveness in providing a seamless and natural extension of the human body through the exoskeleton, offering insights into future developments for assistive technologies.

Author Biographies

Marius Leonard Olar, University of Petrosani

Marius Leonard Olar, Ph.D. student Eng. and assistant at University of Petrosani, Romania with a thesis that approaches upper limb exoskeleton design and control. He graduated Computer Engineering specialization both bachelor and master at the University of Petrosani, Romania. His main research interests are robotic systems and design. The author can be contacted at e-mail:

Monica Leba, University of Petrosani

Prof. Monica Leba is a Ph.D. supervisor in field of System Control Engineering in Computer and System Control Engineering Department at University of Petrosani, Romania. She has a PhD in System Control Engineering from University of Petrosani, a bachelor’s degree in applied informatics and Master’s Degree in Computer Engineering from University of Petrosani. She is a member of IEEE and IFAC, Computers for Control Technical Committee. Her research interests are in applied informatics, modelling-simulation, algorithms design. She has more than 100 refereed research articles in international journals, conferences and international patents prizes. The author can be contacted at e-mail:

Andreea Cristina Ionică, University of Petrosani

Prof. Andreea Cristina Ionica is a Ph.D. supervisor in the field of Management and Engineering, Professor of Management in Management and Industrial Engineering Department at University of Petrosani, Romania. She holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Engineering (1992), a PhD (2004) in Industrial Engineering, a Bachelor’s Degree in Economics (2002) from University of Petrosani and a Postgraduate Diploma (1998) from Institut National Polytechnique de Lorraine, France. The published papers address interdisciplinary and innovative research topics. She has more than 100 refereed research papers in international journals and conferences and international prizes for patents. The author can be contacted at e-mail:

Victor Triohin, University of Petrosani

Victor Triohin, Ph.D. student Eng. and research assistant at University of Petrosani, Romania with a thesis that approaches artificial intelligence applications. He graduated System Control Engineering bachelor and Computer Engineering master specialization both at the University of Petrosani, Romania. His main research interests are game development and artificial intelligence. The author can be contacted at e-mail:




How to Cite

Leonard Olar, M., Leba, M., Ionică, A. C., & Triohin, V. (2025). IMU-Based Exoskeleton Control: Torso Movements and AI. ENTRENOVA - ENTerprise REsearch InNOVAtion, 10(1), 289–298.



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