Information about the publisher

Association for Croatian History

Opatička 10

10000 Zagreb, Croatia

+385 91 5386208



President: Ph.D.  Željko Holjevac

Vice Presidents: Ph.D. Suzana Leček, Ph.D. Hrvoje Petrić

Secretary: Ph.D. Marica Karakaš Obradov

OIB 90854504124

MB 03242757

IBAN  HR 6223600001101596632 (Zagrebačka banka)


The Association for Croatian History is a non-governmental, non-political, non-profit professional association that brings together scholars from the field of history and history teachers. The aim of the Association is to improve and promote the study and teaching of history. The Association has existed under its current name since September 1991 and is the successor to the Croatian Historical Society, which was founded in 1947 and renamed the Association of Croatian Historical Association in 1974. The Association publishes two journals – the academic journal Historical Journal (Historijski zbornik) and the professional journal History Teaching (Povijest u nastavi).