Uvod u holistički environmentalizam


  • Damir Hršak


holistički environmentalizam, materijalni okoliš, duhovni okoliš, dobrohot‑nost, razumijevanje okoliša


Holistic environmentalism is a holistic consideration of the material (nature) and spiritual (world) environment. Its essence is to promote amicability in human relations to other beings. Research area of holistic environmentalism is located within integrative bioethics. A holistic approach to the environment, typical of the holistic environmentalism, explores the opportunities and sets the models of the amicable coexistence of the beings on Earth. It does not deal only with environmental protection, but also with an understanding of the environment. Understanding of the material and the spiritual environment goes far beyond of what is wrongly called environmental protection. To understand the material environment means not destroying habitats, not impairing the quality of air, water, and soil, not reaching out for the irreversible destruction, not showing off with intelligence, not breaking and reshaping everything we are capable of breaking and reshaping. To understand the spiritual environment means to be benevolent, to realize equality, fraternity, liberty, unity, and justice as a model of meaningful and creative living.


