Položaj osoba s invaliditetom u sustavu visokog obrazovanja - perspektiva ureda pravobraniteljice za osobe s invaliditetom


  • Branka Meić


anketno ispitivanje, broj studenata s invaliditetom, oblici razumne prilagodbe, podrška, pristupačnost


In 2012 Disability Ombudsman’s office conducted a survey of high education institutions regarding their inclusion of persons with disabilities. Among other things, we asked faculties, colleges and high schools for the information on the number of students with disabilities and adjustments they made or plan to make so that they would be accessible to students with disabilities. Despite the fact that legal regulations fail to stipulate forms and ways of assuring reasonable accommodation for students with disabilities, their number is continuously increasing. In the article we will give an outline of the present state at Croatian institutions of high education regarding inclusion of students with disabilities, conclusions of the survey as well as recommendations.

