Bioetika i nasilje


  • Sandra Radenović


nasilje, nasilje u obitelji, sociocid, moralocid, normalizacija nasilja, bioetika, etika brige, etika empatije


In the paper the author considers the violence as the bioethical problem in contemporary Serbian society. Namely, regarding sociological point of view and the definition of violence in the broadest sense, the author analyses the presence of the processes of sociocideand moralo-cide, as well as the normalization of violence, from the reproduction of violence in the mass media, to the various manifestations of violence in everyday life. Besides the devaluation of life as the phenomenon which is present in contemporary Serbian Thánatos environment, the author underlines the lack of empathy and the lack of care at all levels and for all levels of the overall living world (bios). Finally, the author suggests continual, systemic and systematic bioethical education as one of the possible solutions within the process of revaluation of life. As a crucial issue of that possible bioethical education, the author considers the ethics of care and the ethics of empathy.

