Personalised medicine: Priority setting and opportunity costs in European public health care systems


  • Jochen Vollmann

Ključne riječi:

Personalised medicine, Person, Priority setting, Opportunity costs, Health economics


“Personalised medicine” is currently attracting considerable attention and raising high
hopes and expectations in modern medicine. The term “personalised medicine” denotes the
use of genetic or other biomarker information, and it does not focus on a more personal
patient-doctor relationship. Furthermore, personalised medicine is associated with ethical
problems like priority setting and opportunity costs in solidarity-based public health care
systems. Personalised medicine provides modern, highly specific and expensive diagnostics
and treatments, which serve only limited subgroups of patients. At the same time, research in
other fields of clinical medicine, which could be of benefit to more patients than such limited
subgroups, remain underfunded.


