Interpretation and implementation of UNESCO's Universal declaration on bioethics and human rights
Ključne riječi:
Declaration, meta-theory, pluriperspectivity, multidisciplinaritySažetak
The beginning of the 21 century imposes the need of synchronising the practical and the academic approach in the interpretation of bioethical problems and the implications of their solving. Some of the goals of the Declaration are the education of health-care professionals, the creation the infrastructure necessary for biomedical research and the education of the scientists involved in it, and the foundation of ethical committees. The Declaration provides with a legal and political guidelines, whereas for a full justifi cation and development of the its general idea, a philosophical (epistemological and axiological) background as a sustaining meta-theory is much needed. The pluriperspectivity and the multidisciplinarity of the inte-grative bioethics construct a perfect methodological framework for a theoretical justifi cation and a in-depth explication of the most important and the subtlest recommendations of the Declaration.
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