The development of bioethical consciousness in Macedonia: the absence of legislative dismissals and its consequences
Ključne riječi:
bioethisc, UNESCO, ethical education, globalization, legislationSažetak
Unlike many neighbouring countries on the Balcany, in Macedonia one doesn’t talk about bioethics as a developing discipline, which is a normal fact or part of scientific activities and research, or even less does one talk about bioethics as something that is a systematic part of education, including ethical education. In the above mentioned context there are two approaches to the consideration of UNESCO documents on this subject:- something that should become one of the objectives of any change within the educational system;- something that the state, which tends to be systematic part of the globalisation process, and in this sense also of ethical globalization, above all, should approach in the way that it defines its own legislation, which is at the given moment everything else but bioethically oriented.So the basic precept of the suggested text is the survey of the bioethical consciousness devel-oped in the context of law absence, as well as indication to the possible consequences of such circumstances for the further state development.
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