Crisis of the Body: Ambivalentions of the Postmodern Subjectivity Modalities
Ključne riječi:
body, avant-garde, postmodernism, DMT, dancing spirit, dynamics of the psyche, the phenomenology of body and psyche, simulacra, subjectivity.Sažetak
There are many consequences of the crisis on the human psyche and body. In this paper, we will evaluate how artists and philosophers deal with society in crisis, as well as how strong and propulsive art practice is in the current pandemic crisis. Following the examples of avant-garde movements, it must be noted that artists in times of crisis forever changed the formal characteristics of art, artwork, and the understanding of the artistic process. With a historical review, we hypothesize that some art movements in the era of the latest crisis managed to survive on the periphery because of the avant-garde spirit they carry. Philosophy reflects the crisis synchronously with the new artistic movements, and both the art and the phenomenology seem to go against reality itself. The analysis of the body, which has traditionally been philosophically neglected and often placed at the lowest position of the ontological scale, returns to the center. We will try to adequately argue on the hypothesis that the body is only an expression of the crisis. Its deeper basis should be found in the human psyche and the structures of subjectivity that conditioned it. In doing so, we strive to “dance up” along with “liven up” digital tech statics of the social and physical distance carried out by the pandemic crisis, approaching it as a kind of the causal sublimation of the crises that preceded in the loop of history.
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