The influence of applied inorganic nutrients in soil, the method of tillage (conventional and minimalization) on accumulation of Fe and K into the grain of selected varieties of barley was observed. Small-parcel experiments were carried out on fields with size 14 m2 in three parallels. Four levels of fertilization were done: 1) control – not fertilized variant; 2) N70 + P4,36 + K16,6; 3) N60 + P22,7 + K36; 4) N60 + P22,7 + K36 + Ca25. Fe, K in grain of barley were mineralized by the method of Koppová and their content was assessed by the method of flame AAS at instrument VARIAN 240FS. Content of Fe in dry matter of barley grain in analyzed samples were v interval and of potassium 293,1-658, Application of macro elements (N, P, K) into the soil had on the accumulation of Fe into the barley grain reduction effect (beside KM2084 variety) and contrary, in comparison with control variant increased influence on intake of mentioned element in winter varieties (beside variety Malwinta) not dependent on the method of amendments of soil by tillage. Addition of CaCO3 in fertilizers affected with contrary - reducing effect of contents Fe and K in barley grain.