
  • Marina Mučalo Redovita profesorica na Fakultetu političkih znanosti Sveučilišta u Zagrebu.
  • Anita Šulentić Faculty of political science; Edward Bernays University College


FM radio, internet, DAB , migration, Croatia


The dominant form of radio programme distribution in the Republic of Croatia is still based on terrestrial analogue signal distribution. However, the digital age provides alternatives such as Internet distribution and digital radio (DAB+). The first phase of the convergence of Croatian radio broadcasting has already been completed with the very establishment of radio websites that, thanks to streaming, can distribute content wherever there is Internet coverage. The first concession for commercial DAB+ radio in the Republic of Croatia was granted in February 2022, and broadcasting began in August of the same year. The key prerequisite for retrieving radio programmes broadcast by means of this technology are digital devices such as computers, smartphones, as well as home and car digital receivers.

The paper presents research findings on the migration of radio listeners from traditional devices (analogue receivers) to listening to the radio on digital platforms in Croatia. Although there are no announcements about the eventual shutdown of the analog network, it can be expected that digital options for retrieving radio channels will increasingly be used. According to the results, migration is still small (about 13%) and slow, yet continuous. It is worth noting that this research is also the first of its kind in Croatia.

The convergence of the radio media takes place even when there are no strategic prerequisites for it because the maturing of generations that grew up in “both worlds” systematically reduces the former “generational gap” in terms of digital knowledge and competences, which facilitates the transition from analogue to digital devices for listening to the radio.

Author Biographies

Marina Mučalo, Redovita profesorica na Fakultetu političkih znanosti Sveučilišta u Zagrebu.

Marina Mučalo redovita je profesorica na Fakultetu političkih znanosti Sveučilišta u Zagrebu, na Odsjeku za novinarstvo i medijsku produkciju. Područje njezinog znanstvenog interesa su elektronički mediji (javni, komercijalni i neprofitni), posebno radio. Bavi se pitanjima medijske legislative, vlasničkih odnosa, programskih odrednica i financiranja medija. Autorica je dvije znanstvene knjige i brojnih  znanstvenih i stručnih radova.

Anita Šulentić, Faculty of political science; Edward Bernays University College

Anita Šulentić doktorirala je u lipnju 2022. godine na temu „Medijska konvergencija: Radio u Republici Hrvatskoj“. Područje znanstvenog i istraživačkog interesa su joj elektronički mediji (osobito radio) te konvergencija medija u digitalnom dobu. Predavač je na Edward Bernays University Collegeu od 2018. godine.  Dosad je objavila devet znanstvenih i stručnih radova, od čega četiri samostalno.

