Dynamic Relations between Plants and Humans at the Intersection of Art, the Humanities, and Botanical Sciences: Four Instances of Contemporary Art in Croatia



The paper delves into artistic representations of the complex relationship between humans and plants, drawing on recent research in the fields of the humanities and botanical sciences. It emphasizes that science and art, while different languages, complement each other and together provide a more comprehensive view of the world. The artworks by Igor Eškinja, Vitar Drinković, SofijaSilvia, and Ana Belošević are analyzed in terms of the narratives they present, the social critique they offer, and how they express societal and cultural momentum. The paper provides an insight into the interconnectedness of humans and the natural world in contemporary society, as described, interpreted, and facilitated through artistic imagination.

Ključne riječi: plant-human relations, cultural botany, critical plant studies, contemporary Croatian visual art


