Spaces of Afrofuturism: Sun Ra and Universal Black Futurity
This paper explores Afrofuturism as a significant artistic and political movement, examining it as a platform for expressing the voices of a repressed population within the global context. Using the African American jazz musician Sun Ra as a case study, the paper illustrates how Afrofuturism challenges societal norms and redefines Black identity and agency. The paper also investigates the relevance of Afrofuturism beyond African American communities. Through heightened “infrapolitical” tactics – such as dismissal, evasion, escapism, and the reimagining of oppressive histories – Afrofuturism provides a safe haven for marginalized voices. In conclusion, this paper posits that Afrofuturism is a powerful tool for envisioning and shaping the futures of Black communities worldwide. By embracing speculative, mystical, artistic, and exploratory narratives, while rejecting oppressive histories, Afrofuturism cultivates the potential for more inclusive and empowered futures for Black individuals.
Ključne riječi: Afrofuturism, space of appearance, Sun Ra, infrapolitics, art resistance

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