
  • Agnieszka Cholewa-Wójcik Cracow University of Economics
  • Agnieszka Kawecka Cracow University of Economics


Packaging is a very important element in products quality maintenance that is why quality of packaging hasgreat influence and its quality assurance is necessary. Physical flow in supply chain may deteriorate some ofpackaging features, so their monitoring and proper conditions of storage, transport and suitable protection areimportant.The main goal of the paper was to present model of packaging supply chain with elements that are mostinfluencing packaging quality. In the model are considered not only enterprises creating packaging supply chainbut also units from its surroundings that have indirect impact. There were analyzed actions that are essential forquality assurance while physical flow of packaging in their supply chains. In the paper are shown the results ofthe questionnaire research concerning implementation in enterprises of chosen actions, such as: documentationrequirement, good hygienic state performance and proper production process conducting. Analyzes were takingunder consideration implementation of quality assurance and management systems in units that constitutespackaging supply chain. The research showed that companies are conducting only selected actions, not allrequired in respect of obligatory and facultative quality management systems, guaranteeing proper packagingquality. Continuous monitoring of quality and safety of product launched on the market is important forconsumers protection policy fulfillment.

Key words: packaging, packaging supply chain, packaging quality assurance
