
  • Borna Abramović University of Zagreb, Faculty of Transport and Traffic Sciences, Department of Railway Transport, Croatia
  • Eva Nedeliakova University of Žilina, Faculty of Operation and Economics of Transport and Communications, Department of Railway Transport
  • Michal Panak University of Žilina, Faculty of Operation and Economics of Transport and Communications, Department of Railway Transport
  • Denis Šipuš University of Zagreb, Faculty of Transport and Traffic Sciences, Department of Railway Transport


Monitoring synergies of logistics processes in railway transport is currently considered a novelty and it is very actual. The main reason of solutions synergies are their growing importance in the case of necessary operational responses. Synergy is the creation of a whole that is greater than the simple sum of its parts. It is an innovative resolution because synergies in logistics processes related to the railway transport have not been addressed in research and scientific projects in the greater extent thus far. The integral part of the synergies is the quality in railway transport which includes the never-ending logistics processes. Railway undertakings in cooperation with other participants of the transport market and suppliers are constantly working on the quality of logistics processes and their improvement. Methods to improve logistics processes in railway transport are technical standards (ISO) or different methods: Total Quality Management, Deming cycle - PDCA cycle, Six Sigma, DMAIC Improvement Cycle and EFQM Excellence Model. Qualities of services in railway transport significantly affect all stakeholders in international transport chain. This paper is focused also on monitoring the costs of quality, which is done monthly and yearly with the exact division of the costs of this kind. The internal and external quality cost, prevention and evaluation costs are added to the total cost of quality. The result of the research should create a report about costs of quality logistics processes in railway transport.


Key words: synergy, synergies, logistic process, costs of quality, railway transport


