
  • Sanja Bježančević PhD student at the Postgraduate interdisciplinary university study European Studies, Josip Juraj Strossmayer University of Osijek, Trg Svetog Trojstva 3, 31000 Osijek, Republic of Croatia https://orcid.org/0000-0002-5253-2581




International Law, Self-Determination of Nations, Right to Self-Determination, Russian Revolution, Fourteen points of Woodrow Wilson


The end of the two great world wars and the disappearance of the current political regimes have resulted in the creation of new states in the international order. With the collapse of multinational states and awakening of national consciousness, the aspirations of peoples for their own national states started to appear. Requirements for self-determination resulted primarily from the decolonization process, but also as a reflection of political relations in the post-war Europe. At the end of the First World War, there were events and people contributing to the development of rights of the people to self-determination and helping the oppressed nations in achieving their aspirations to decide their own destiny within their own national states. On the one hand, there were the workers’ self-determination and revolution in Russia as essential elements in the development of the right to self-determination in the political principle and Lenin's attitudes on self-determination. On the other hand, there were fourteen points and US President Woodrow Wilson with his views on the right to self-determination.


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