


The paper deals with the analysis of the existing legal framework of the status of sea kayaks in the Republic of Croatia, the definition and the position of a kayak as a vessel in the domestic navigation safety system, and its goal is to present the regulation and give a critical review thereof. The types of kayaks are presented with respect to their purpose and construction, the univocity of the term in domestic legislation is questioned, and the solutions of the French model, which individualises these vessels with regard to the mentioned features, will be presented comparatively. The paper also presents kayaking as a sport and economic activity, as well as the necessary education of kayakers for the needs of active and adventure tourism.

The paper analyses the international and national legal framework of navigation safety. The results of a survey of legal regulation of sea kayaking in the Republic of Croatia are also presented. The authors conclude that sea kayaking in the Republic of Croatia has not been properly regulated and that the existing legislation needs to be changed.


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