Citation examples


  1. Ackerman B, 'The Rise of World Constitutionalism' (1997) 83 Virginia Law Review 771
  2. Agranoff R (ed), Accomodating Diversity: Asymmetry in Federal States (Nomos 1999)
  3. Auer A, 'Why Europe Needs a Stronger Legitimacy than the Existing Treaties' in F Filliez and B Kaufmann (eds), The European Constitution: Bringing in the People (The Swiss Department of Foreign Affairs 2004)
  4. Bodiroga-Vukobrat N and Belanić L, ‘Osigurani rizik u zdravstvenom osiguranju u svjetlu novih otkrića genetike’ (2018) 39(1) Zbornik Pravnog fakulteta Sveučilišta u Rijeci 353
  5. Crnić I, Zakon o obveznim odnosima: napomene, komentari, sudska praksa i prilozi (2nd edn, Organizator 2006)
  6. Fredman S, Human Rights Transformed: Positive Rights and Positive Duties (OUP 2008)
  7. Goldštajn A and others, Obvezno pravo, vol 1 (2nd edn, Informator 1979)
  8. Novokmet A and Jukić M, ‘Sudska kontrola prethodnog postupka: istraživanje prakse županijskih sudova u Osijeku, Splitu, Rijeci, Varaždinu i Zagrebu’ (2015) 22(2) Hrvatski ljetopis za kazneno pravo i praksu 453
  9. Rainey B, Wicks E and Ovey C, The European Convention on Human Rights (5th edn, OUP 2017)


  1. Directive 2009/138/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 25 November 2009 on the taking-up and pursuit of the business of Insurance and Reinsurance (Solvency II) (2009) OJ L335/1
  2. Gesetz betreffend die Verfassung des Deutschen Reiches, vom 16 April 1871 <> accessed 14 July 2021 (DE)
  3. Kodeks savjetovanja sa zainteresiranom javnošću u postupcima donošenja zakona, drugih propisa i akata (NN 140/2009) (HR)
  4. The Belgian Constitution, March 2021(English translation) <> accessed 14 July 2021 (BE)
  5. Ustav Sjedinjenih Američkih Država (Pan Liber 1994) (US)
  6. Zakon o kaznenom postupku Bosne i Hercegovine (SG BiH 3/2003, 32/2003, 36/2003, 26/2004, 63/2004, 13/2005, 48/2005, 46/2006, 29/2007, 53/2007, 58/2008, 12/2009, 16/2009, 53/2009, 93/2009, 72/2013, 65/2018) (BA)
  7. Zakon o krivičnom postupku (SL 4/1977, 36/1977, 14/1985, 26/1986, 74/1987, 57/1989, 3/1990) (YU)
  8. Zakon o lobiranju (SG 87/2018, 86/2019) (RS)
  9. Zakon o lobiranju (SL 54/2011, 52/2014) (ME)
  10. Zakon o odvjetništvu (NN 9/1994, 117/2008, 50/2009, 75/2009, 18/2011) (HR)


  1. Antoine Goetz and others v Republic of Burundi, ICSID Case No ARB/95/3 (10 February 1999)
  2. Calvelli and Ciglio v Italy App no 32967/96 (ECtHR, 17 January 2002)
  3. Erikson v Italy (2000) 29 EHRR CD152
  4. Joined Cases C–430 and 431/93 Jereon van Schijndel v Stichting Pensioenfonds voor Fysiotherapeuten [1995] ECR I–4705
  5. Odluka U-III/1154/2021 USRH (15. srpnja 2021.) (HR)
  6. Odluka U-III/422/2019 USRH (16. lipnja 2021.) (HR)
  7. Petrobart Ltd v The Kyrgyz Republic, SCC Case No 126/2003 (29 March 2005)
  8. Presuda Gž 2510/2020-2 Županijski sud u Zagrebu (1. srpnja 2021.) (HR)
  9. Rješenje Kžm 27/2019-4 VSRH (10. lipnja 2021.) (HR)
  10. Rješenje Pž 1754/2021-2 VTSRH (18. svibnja 2021.) (HR)
  11. Rješenje U-I/3594/2018 USRH (20. srpnja 2021.) (HR)


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  2. Calamur K, 'The Spanish Court Decision That Sparked the Modern Catalan Independence Movement' The Atlantic (1 October 2017) <> accessed 14 July 2021
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