
  • Ivan Beljan Physical therapy and rehabilitation Beljan, Tomislavgrad, Bosna i Hercegovina
  • Emira Švraka Univerzitet u Sarajevu

Ključne riječi:

Lumbar pain syndrome, effectiveness of magnetotherapy


Introduction: The term low back pain means a feeling of pain at rest or during movement in the lower,
lumbar part of the spine. In order to reduce pain, various physical procedures are used: electrotherapy,
thermotherapy, laser therapy, magnetotherapy, ultrasound therapy, cryotherapy, kinesitherapy and manual
massage. Aim: To examine the effectiveness of magnetotherapy in the treatment of patients with lumbar
syndrome. Materials and Methods: The study included patients treated from 01.01.2013. to 31.12.2015. year
due to the diagnosis of lumbar pain syndrome in persons whose treatment process included magnetotherapy
in the "Beljan" practice as a research group where were treated 113 patients (73 male and 40 female). There
were 262 (114 male and 148 female) patients in the Health Center in Metković as a control group in which
magnetotherapy was not included in the treatment of any patient. Pain was assessed on the basis of a visual
analogue scale. Results: Research showed that the Chi-square test showed a statistically significant
difference between the duration of physical therapy by days between the examined and control groups,
χ2(2,n=375) = 237.715; p<0.001. Pearson's correlation coefficient r=0.68 shows a large statistical difference
between the duration of physical therapy of the examined and control groups. The chi-square test showed a
statistically significant difference between the kinesitherapy procedures and the examined or control group,
χ2(2,n=375) = 28.743; p<0.001. Pearson's correlation coefficient r=-0.156 shows an extremely small
statistically significant difference between the tested and control groups and kinesitherapy procedures.
Conclusion: The shortest time that the patients spent on physical therapy in the examined group (80 patients)
is 0 - 6 days of therapy, the shortest, and in the control group (197 patients) it is 7 - 10 days, the shortest.
The working hypothesis that magnetotherapy affects the duration of treatment and the improvement of the
functional status of patients with lumbar syndrome has been proven




Kako citirati

Beljan, I., & Švraka, E. (2024). EFFECTIVENESS OF MAGNETOTHERAPY IN THE TREATMENT OF PATIENTS WITH LUMBAR SYNDROME. Zdravstveni Glasnik, 9(1), 74–85. Preuzeto od https://hrcak.srce.hr/ojs/index.php/zdravstveniglasnik/article/view/29639