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Chemistry in Industry : Journal of Chemists and Chemical Engineers of Croatia

logo Chemistry in Industry : Journal of Chemists and Chemical Engineers of Croatia

Aims and Scope: KEMIJA U INDUSTRIJI (KUI, eng. CHEMISTRY IN INDUSTRY) is a scientific journal that publishes scientific and professional papers in the field of chemistry and chemical engineering, and particularly nurtures the Croatian chemical and chemical-engineering nomenclature and terminology. Criteria for acceptance of papers include originality of the work, its quality, as well as clarity and conciseness of the writing. Publisher of the journal is Croatian Society of Chemical Engineers. Journal international abbreviation is Kem. Ind.
KUI is the official journal of the Croatian Society of Chemical Engineers (CSCE) and the Croatian Chemical Society (CCS). In addition to scientific and professional papers, journal publishes opinions, commentaries, reviews and information from practice (for details see Guidelines for Authors), and contributions under permanent or periodical headings, for example: Industrial and Market News, Technological Notices, Environment Protection, News and Notes, Calendar of Events (Congresses, Symposiums, Exhibitions), Book Reviews, Literature Service, Development of Chemical Industry, Chemical Education, etc.
Indexing of the journal: Journal "Kemija u industriji" is indexed in: Analytical Abstracts, Cabell's Directory, Chemical Abstracts Plus (CAPlus), Chemical Engineering Abstracts, Chemical Engineering and Biotechnology Abstracts, Chemischer Informationsdienst, CrossRef – DOI depositor, Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ), Directory of Open Access Scholarly Resources (ROAD), EBSCO Host – Academic Search Complete, EBSCO Host – Academic Search Premier, EBSCO Host – Academic Search Elite, EBSCO Host – Academic Search Ultimate, EBSCO Host – Academic Search Alumni Edition, EuroPub, Google Scholar, Hrčak - Portal of scientific journals of Croatia, J-Gate, Norwegian Register for Scientific Journals, Series and Publishers (Nordic list), Referativnyi Zhurnal, SHERPA/RoMEO, Theoretical Chemical Engineering Abstracts, Web of Science™ Core Collection – Emerging Sources Citation Index (ESCI), ULRICHSWEB – Global Serials Directory and many other databases.
The publishing of the journal is sponsored by the Ministry of Science, Education, and Youth of Republic of Croatia
Co-editors-in-Chief: Prof. Šime Ukić, Faculty of Chemical Engineering and Technology, Univeristy of Zagreb
Assoc. Prof. Dajana Kučić Grgić, Faculty of Chemical Engineering and Technology, Univeristy of Zagreb
Administrative Secretary, Graphic and Technical Editor: Zdenko Blažeković, MSc., CSCE
Editorial Board: Elvis Ahmetović (Bosnia & Herzegovina), Vesna Antoska Knights (Macedonia), Danijela Ašperger, Damir Barbir, Matija Cvetnić, Vlatka Filipović Marijić, Tatjana Gazivoda Kraljević, Ana Jurinjak Tušek, Zvonimir Katančić, Mihone Kerolli Mustafa (Kosovo), Maja Molnar, Vesna Ocelić Bulatović, Maja Pagnacco (Serbia), Aleksandra Sander, Danijela Skroza, Anita Šalić, Robert Vianello, and Nives Vladislavić
Advisory Board: Jurislav Babić, Blaženka Ćiško Anić, Matko Erceg, Zvonimir Janović, Ante Jukić, Kruno Kovačević, Ernest Meštrović, Srećko Tomas, Ines Topalović Piteša, Dražen Vikić-Topić, Nenad Zečević, Bruno Zelić, and Petar Žuvela.

  • Peer review: peer review, national peer review, scientific and professional papers, single blind review, triple or more
  • First year of publication: 1952.
  • Frequency (annually): 12
  • Scientific disciplines and subdisciplines: Chemical Engineering, Chemistry
  • Date added to HRČAK: 20.12.2005.
  • Rights: Journal "Kemija u industriji" is an Open Access journal at the highest possible level meaning that all content is immediately and freely available to anyone, anywhere, to be downloaded, printed, distributed, read, reused, self archived, and remixed (including commercially) without restriction, as long as the author and the original source are properly attributed according to the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (CC BY). The author(s) hold the copyright and retain publishing rights without restrictions.
    CC BY (Creative Commons Attribution) is the most accommodating of public copyright licenses as defined by Creative Commons, a nonprofit organization that provides legal tools for sharing and use of creative works and research. The CC BY license is recommended for maximum dissemination and use of licensed materials. All content published in Kemija u industriji is available under CC BY, meaning anyone is free to use and reuse the content provided the original source and authors are credited. The copyright is held and retained. The author(s) hold the copyright without restrictions.
    CC BY is the appropriate license for publicly funded research; it maximizes the potential for both economic and scholarly impact, protects the rights of authors and strengthens the long-standing tradition of appropriate attribution and credit for scholarship.
    Journal does not charge neither article processing charges (APCs) nor article submission charges. Self-archiving policy Sherpa/ROMEO blue route since 2013.
    All published manuscripts are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

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