Colloquia Maruliana, Vol. 4 , 1995.
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Following the Track of Carrara’s Notes on Marulić
Arsen Duplančić
The article treats of some interesting data on Marko Marulić that may be found in the legacy of Franjo Carrara (1812-1854) now in the Archeological Museum at Split. The introductory part of the article is dedicated to the ties between Marulić and the Museum, starting with the fifteen copies of the poet’s books kept in the section for the old books. They are:
a) De institutione - Venice 1506, Venice 1563, Antwerp 1584, Venice 1597, Dillingen 1602
b) Evangelistarium - Venice 1516, Basle 1519, Köln 1556
c) De humilitate et gloria Christi - Venice 1519, Venice 1596
d) De laudibus Herculis - Italian translation - Venice 1549
To the quoted list we should add the De institutione published in Basle, in 1555, in the book Exempla virtutum et vitiorum, atque etiam aliarum rerum maxime memorabilium, futura lectori supra modum magnus thesaurus, historicws conscripta, per authores qui in hac scriptorum classe, iudicio, doctrina et fide apud Graecos et Latinos praestantissimi habentur. So far it has been retained that no copy under this title existed in Croatian libraries. The book contains works by different authors, including Marulić’s paragon Valerius Maximus and Sabelico who drew on Marulić.
We should omit neither the Quinquaginta parabolae published in the 1556 Köln edition of the Evangelistarium nor the Carmen de doctrina, appearing at the end and the beginning of the De institutiones of 1506 and 1584 respectively. Of the books containing Marulić’s major works and put out after Marulić’s death, the Museum is in possession of a copy of the De regno Dalmatiae et Croatiae (Amsterdam 1666) by Ivan Lučić with Marulić’s translation of the Ljetopis popa Dukljanina (Priest Dukljanin’s Chronicle) and his treatise on St Jerome. The Museum also has Schwandtner’s edition of Lucić’s works, published in the third volume Scriptores re-rum Hungaricarum (Vienna 1748). Also belonging to the same group are Lucić’s Inscriptiones Dalmaticae (Venice 1673), with excerpt from Marulić’s text on Salonitan inscriptions. Finally, the Museum has the book Istumačenje pisnih Davidovih (A Translation of the Songs of David) by Andrija Vitaljić, with his Croatian translation of Marulić’s Carmen de doctrina (Venice 1703).
Following the track of Carrara’s article on Marulić, published on the pages of the Danica Ilirska in 1846, and his brochure under the title Uomini illustri di Spalato of the same year, the author analyzed Carrara’s sources and the annotations on Marulić from his legacy. Examining these, he came upon a long sequence of authors who treated of Marulić: Konrad Gesner - 1545 and 1551 (the years denotes the editions used), Wilhelm Eisengrein - 1565, Aubert le Mire - 1649, Fortunius Licetus - 1653, Louis Moréri - 1702, Marco Foscarini - 1752, Apostolo Zeno - 1753 - 1753, Johann Albert Fabricius - 1754, Giovanni Benedetto Mittarelli - 1779 and Francois Xavier de Feller - 1818.
Confronting the data appearing in the books by the mentioned authors, the au-thor has discovered their mutual ties as well as the history of their common errors (the mistaken years of publication of Marulić’s works, the wrong attribution of the epi-grams by Michiele Marullo to our Marulić). However, the fact that they mentioned Marulić in their books witnesses to his respectability and to the spread of the use of his works in 16th century religious debates. Of conspicuous importance for Marulić’s bibliography is Mittarelli’s book on the manuscripts of the monastery of S Michele in Murano, in which for the first time appeared three passages from Marulić’s work In epigrammata priscorum commentarius.
In the end the author mentions the hitherto unknown the transcripts of Marulić’s inscriptions from the start of the 18th century, preserved in the Scientific Library in Zadar. It also is pointed out that the earliest poet’s biography published on the pages of a paper was the article by Agostino Brambilla that appeared in the Gazzetta di Zara in 1836.
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