Dina Pašić
Puni tekst: hrvatski pdf 224 Kb
str. 301-304
preuzimanja: 302
APA 6th Edition
Pašić, D. (2018). Mauch, Christof, and Libby Robin (eds.), »The edges of environmental history: honouring Jane Carruthers« RCC Perspectives, Munich, 2014, no. 1.. Ekonomska i ekohistorija, 14 (1), 301-304. Preuzeto s https://hrcak.srce.hr/index.php/225416
MLA 8th Edition
Pašić, Dina. "Mauch, Christof, and Libby Robin (eds.), »The edges of environmental history: honouring Jane Carruthers« RCC Perspectives, Munich, 2014, no. 1.." Ekonomska i ekohistorija, vol. 14, br. 1, 2018, str. 301-304. https://hrcak.srce.hr/index.php/225416. Citirano 20.02.2025.
Chicago 17th Edition
Pašić, Dina. "Mauch, Christof, and Libby Robin (eds.), »The edges of environmental history: honouring Jane Carruthers« RCC Perspectives, Munich, 2014, no. 1.." Ekonomska i ekohistorija 14, br. 1 (2018): 301-304. https://hrcak.srce.hr/index.php/225416
Pašić, D. (2018). 'Mauch, Christof, and Libby Robin (eds.), »The edges of environmental history: honouring Jane Carruthers« RCC Perspectives, Munich, 2014, no. 1.', Ekonomska i ekohistorija, 14(1), str. 301-304. Preuzeto s: https://hrcak.srce.hr/index.php/225416 (Datum pristupa: 20.02.2025.)
Pašić D. Mauch, Christof, and Libby Robin (eds.), »The edges of environmental history: honouring Jane Carruthers« RCC Perspectives, Munich, 2014, no. 1.. Ekonomska i ekohistorija [Internet]. 2018 [pristupljeno 20.02.2025.];14(1):301-304. Dostupno na: https://hrcak.srce.hr/index.php/225416
D. Pašić, "Mauch, Christof, and Libby Robin (eds.), »The edges of environmental history: honouring Jane Carruthers« RCC Perspectives, Munich, 2014, no. 1.", Ekonomska i ekohistorija, vol.14, br. 1, str. 301-304, 2018. [Online]. Dostupno na: https://hrcak.srce.hr/index.php/225416. [Citirano: 20.02.2025.]