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Journal content is published under CC-BY-SA licence.
Publication date: 2023
Volume: 22
Issue: 39
Van Duzer, Chet, Frames that Speak: Cartouches on Early Modern Maps
Chet Van Duzer
This lavishly illustrated book is the first systematic exploration of cartographic cartouches, the decorated frames that surround the title, or other text or imagery, on historic maps.
Posjeta: 480 *
This lavishly illustrated book is the first systematic exploration of cartographic cartouches, the decorated frames that surround the title, or other text or imagery, on historic maps. It addresses the history of their development, the sources cartographers used in creating them, and the political, economic, historical, and philosophical messages their symbols convey. Cartouches are the most visually appealing parts of maps, and also spaces where the cartographer uses decoration to express his or her interests—so they are key to interpreting maps. The book discusses thirty-three cartouches in detail, which range from 1569 to 1821, and were chosen for the richness of their imagery. The book will open your eyes to a new way of looking at maps.
Thanks to the generosity of the Kislak Family Foundation and CITCO, the book is available in Open Access (free download) at this address:
Ova raskošno ilustrirana knjiga prvo je sustavno istraživanje kartografskih kartuša, ukrašenih okvira koji okružuju naslov ili drugi tekst ili slike na starim kartama. Bavi se poviješću njihova razvoja, izvorima kojima su se kartografi koristili pri izradi te političkim, ekonomskim, povijesnim i filozofskim porukama koje njihovi simboli prenose. Kartuše su vizualno najprivlačniji dijelovi karata, a također i prostori u kojima se kartograf koristi ukrasima kako bi izrazio svoje interese − pa su one ključne za tumačenje karata. U knjizi se detaljno raspravlja o trideset i tri kartuše, koje sežu od 1569. do 1821. godine, a odabrane su zbog bogatstva svoje slikovnosti. Knjiga će vam otvoriti oči za novi način gledanja na karte.
Zahvaljujući velikodušnosti Zaklade obitelji Kislak i CITCO-a, knjiga je dostupna u otvorenom pristupu (besplatno preuzimanje) na ovoj adresi: