Glasnik Zaštite Bilja, Vol. 47. No. 4., 2024.
Stručni rad
Changes in humus content on a part of the agricultural land in the Republic of Croatia
Danijela Jungić
Stjepan Husnjak
* Dopisni autor.
The main goal of this paper is to indicate the intensity of changes in humus content in the arable soil layer on a part of the agricultural land in Croatia, based on a comparison of existing data from the reference periods of 1975 and 2015. The first reference period (1975) refers to the data collected during the preparation the basic pedological map of the Republic of Croatia on a scale of 1:50,000, in the period 1965-1985. The second reference period (2015) is represented by data collected from detailed pedological surveys of agricultural areas as a part of the development the conceptual irrigation projects. For the purposes of comparing the humus content, data were used from pedological profiles and collected from ten locations the conceptual designs of irrigation systems, created in the period 2009-2019, i.e. the reference period 2015, were analyzed. At all locations, a decrease in the content of humus in the arable soil layer was determined in the period between two reference periods. In terrestrial soils, the average decreasing in humus content was 0.33% and 72% was more pronounced than in hydromorphic soils, where the average decreasing in humus content was 0.25%. The decrease in humidity going from the west to the east of Croatia was reflected in the increase in the intensity of changes (decrease) in humus content. With the increase in humidity, from the east to the west part of Croatia, the intensity of decreasing soil humus content was less pronounced. The intensity of the decreasing of the humus content in the soil depends on soil properties, the intensity of anthropogenization and specificity of the climate on the investigated locations.
Ključne riječi
Agricultural regions; Hydromorfic soil; Terestrial soil; Soil organic matter; Anthropogenization
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Posjeta: 404 *