Veterinarska stanica, Vol. 56 No. 5, 2025.
Original scientific paper
Relationship between theresumption of postpartum ovarianactivity and the metabolic profileof Holstein cows at highaltitude in Ecuador
Luis Balarezo Urresta
; Universidad Politécnica del Carchi. Facultad de Industrias Agropecuarias y Ciencias Ambientales. Escuela de Desarrollo Integral Agropecuario, Carchi, Ecuador
Juan Ramon García-Díaz
; Universidad Central “Marta Abreu” de Las Villas. Facultad de Ciencias Agropecuarias, Departamento de Medicina veterinaria y Zootecnia, Santa Clara, Cuba
Raciel Lima-Orozco
; Universidad Central “Marta Abreu” de Las Villas. Facultad de Ciencias Agropecuarias, Centro de Investigaciones Agropecuarias, Santa Clara, Cuba
* Corresponding author.
The resumption of postpartum ovarian ac-tivity (RPOA) is influenced by the cow’s meta-bolic profile, though the relationship betweenRPOA and the metabolic profile of dairy cowsat high altitude in the Andean Region of Ecua-dor is still unclear. The goal of this study was todetermine the relationship between RPOA andthe metabolic profile of Holstein cows at highaltitude in the Andean Region of Ecuador. Thir-ty cows were selected and their RPOA and met-abolic profile at 30 days postpartum were evalu-ated. According to the RPOA, the metabolic in-dicators were compared using the t-Student testfor independent samples. A simple linear cor-relation was run between the main indicatorsof the RPOA and the metabolic parameters. Anobservational analytical study was performedto establish the association between RPOA andmetabolic profile. Holstein caws showing anearly RPOA had lower β-Hydroxybutyrate andblood urea nitrogen (P < 0.05), and higher phos-phate, copper, and zinc concentrations (P < 0.05)concentrations in blood serum as compared toHolstein cows with late RPOA. Increased bloodβ-hydroxybutyrate and low phosphate, copperand zinc were risk factors (P < 0.05) for late post-partum RPOA. In addition, the follow param-eters were correlated (P < 0.05): appearance ofthe dominant follicle and zinc levels, follicle di-ameter and copper, occurrence of ovulation andblood β-hydroxybutyrate level, the occurrenceof ovulation and phosphate , luteal activity andcholesterol, corpus luteum volume and cop-per, blood serum progesterone and cholester-ol, and blood serum progesterone and copperlevels. There was a strong correlation (P < 0.01)between the occurrence of ovulation and cop-per levels, luteal activity and blood β-hydrox-ybutyrate levels, and copper and zinc levels.These findings show that RPOA was related tothe metabolic profile at 30 days postpartum, es-pecially with protein excesses and energy, andphosphate, copper and zinc deficiencies.
Ovarian reactivation; Dominant follicle; Ovulation; Luteal activity; β-hydroxybu- tyrate
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